Why Does Heidi Klum Wear Gloves

TALENTRECAP.COM Talent America’s Got Talent

The America’s Got Talent judges all have quirky personality traits that make us fall in love with them more each week. Longtime fans of the show have probably seen Heidi Klum’s fake binoculars, or Terry Crews popping his pecks shirtless. The AGT judges have finally revealed the real stories behind their famous on-camera mannerisms.

Heidi Klum Reveals the Truth Behind Her Famous ‘AGT’ Binoculars Hack

There have only been a few acts that hit the AGT stage that did not get to hear Sofia Vergara’s signature catchphrase. She is almost always shouting “bravo” when she really likes a performance. If you watch AGT with a fun group of people every week, you can turn it into a new drinking game. Take a shot every time Vergara says it.

“That’s how we celebrate or clap in Spanish,” Sofia said about her catchphrase. “If something good happens, you ‘bravo.’ Even if it’s somebody that blows a candle on a cake, you’re like ‘bravo.’ I don’t know it’s just like a Latin thing I guess.”

When it comes to Klum and her fake binoculars, the explanation behind them might not be what you think. Klum raises her hands to her face and creates lenses with her fingers around her eyes when an act requires a lot of focus on small details. Does this trick actually work?

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“People always wonder about my binoculars, but you guys should try this once, and then you’ll see what I mean,” Klum said. “There’s so much light and colors and things going on that it’s sometimes very hard to focus in on the act so I know that it’s not coming closer to me. I know it’s not a real binocular so they’re just really to block the light out.”

The Explanation Behind Crews’ Peck-Popping

Though not as noticeable as the binoculars or the “bravo’s,” Howie Mandel has his own signature move too. Whenever he is introduced on the show, he does a little salute and a wave. He initially could not think of a proper sign-off. He decided to combine a salute, a point, and a wave.

“It’s just a combination of a guy who can’t make up his mind,” he said through a smile.

The thing that can make the audience go wild in a matter of seconds is Crews’ peck-popping. Sometimes he keeps his shirt on, but most times he takes it all off. In 2019, Crews taught AGT fans a crash course in peck-popping as he became notorious for doing it on the show.

“I do it all the time on AGT,” Crews said. “This is like the signal that it’s about to be on. I don’t even have to make an expression. You know I’m happy and you know I’m excited.”

Crews is absolutely jacked and we are never tired of seeing his muscles on AGT. Viewers get a real treat sometimes when he plays the flute and pops his pecks at the same time. Hopefully, we get to see more of his fun dance moves during Season 16 plus more quirky moments from the AGT judges.

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“It’s almost like clapping now,” Crews said. “It’s almost like an appreciation. If people get the peck pop, you are receiving 100% approval from Terry Crews.”

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