Why Does Hulu Log Me Out

It appears that one of the most common account-related issues with Hulu is that the service keeps logging you out from your account.

Repeated account log offs have been reported with various browsers, operating systems, or devices (such as smart TVs or Xbox gaming console).

Why does Hulu keep logging me out and how to stop it?

1. Update the Hulu app

If you’re streaming videos while using Hulu on an Android device, the repeated log-out issue might pop in because the app is outdated. To fix this, go to Play Store, find the Hulu app, and click on Update, if available.

2. Update your web browser

Similarly, Hulu might keep deleting your account details because of missing important updates in the web browser you’re using on your mobile device.

Try the same recommendations as above to update your web browser.

4. Clear cookies and cache

fix hulu account log off

If the updates were not installed automatically when available or using the previous solution, the device might be running low storage space. Make sure to clean up some space by clearing the cached data from the Storage section of the Settings menu.

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To be even more precautious, search for the app and make sure there is no leftover cached date still stored.

The same goes if you’re on your PC or laptop. For most browsers, the cookies and cache can be found in the main menu (the upper right-hand corner of your browser) > Settings > Privacy & Security section.

5. Log out of the Hulu account on any other device

Hulu only allows a maximum of two simultaneous logins on different devices. So log out of your Hulu account on any other device.

If you’ve also logged in using a social media account like Facebook, the service will appear as active in the settings of the respective account, and you have to remove it.

6. Scan your device for possible other issues

Hopefully, you won’t have to use this solution, but we’re mentioning it just in case. It is well known that malware can affect the performance of your device. Consequently, we recommend the use of trustworthy antivirus software.

In this specific situation, run a scan and see if it finds out something suspicious. The unwanted files should be removed and your apps and services should run smoothly once again.

Before you leave, don’t miss our guide on Hulu switch profile error, since it can provide you with additional insight into login issues.

If the issue is not fixed yet, consider switching to another provider such as Disney+, one of the biggest streaming services in the US, offering its users an unlimited range of exclusive content and original movies.

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⇒ Get Disney+

Did you manage to keep yourself signed into your Hulu account? Leave us a note in the comments section below.

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