Why Does Kissinger Suck

Sometimes, the delicacy of the beat-sweetening in Tiger Beat On The Potomac is almost too adorable to bear.Here it is today, cuddling up to one of the most monstrous alleged humans of the century.

You’re a Republican thinking of running for president. It’s a dangerous world, and your foreign policy credentials are a little thin. Time to see Henry Kissinger. Scott Walker did it. So did Marco Rubio and Chris Christie. Rick Perry paid a visit in September – he even tweeted a photo to prove it. “It was an honor to speak with Dr. Kissinger today and hear his thoughts on America’s foreign policy challenges,” tweeted the then-Texas governor. Rubio has “met with Kissinger a couple of times in the past, and always appreciates his insights,” says a spokesman for the Florida senator, adding that Rubio has been reading Kissinger’s latest book, “World Order.”

OK, so consorting with murderous war criminals has been a common go-to move for Republican candidates since Dick Cheney appointed himself vice-president and puppet master back in Aught-Aught. But even TBOTP has to admit there are certain large brown spots on the apple these guys are polishing. Watch how deftly these areas of rot get mentioned and then dismissed.

At 91 years old, the former secretary of state, national security adviser and intellectual-cum-celebrity has come to occupy a unique place in the foreign policy firmament. Though some historians blame him for countless deaths in places like Vietnam, Cambodia and Bangladesh, Kissinger is more revered than ever in Washington. He has become a Yoda-like figure, bestowing credibility and a statesman’s aura to politicians of both parties, including ones who may not actually share his worldview.

Complete bullshit, this is.

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Except in certain dead-assed precincts of the foreign policy establishment – and in the mind of John McCain, but I repeat myself – Kissinger hasn’t been a “celebrity” since Studio 54 closed. (Whether he ever was an “intellectual” is at least up for debate.) And that “some historians blame him” dodge is priceless, but the list of Kissinger’s depredations is incomplete. The writer forgot Chile, and East Timor, for starters. And it’s not just “some historians,” either. I guarantee you there are quite a few people in Vietnam, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Chile, East Timor, and dozens of other countries, who were on the business end of Kissinger’s genius, who do not feel all that kindly towards him, either. And, yes, there are a lot of Democrats who go to this aging lycanthrope for policy advice, too, just as the story says. (The part about Kissinger and Samantha Power at the baseball game is just too cute for words. Of course, had Kissinger been a Rwandan, he’d have been on the radio directing the mobs, or at least advising the people who were. Power should be careful with whom she goes to the ballpark.) The idea that Henry Kissinger is still considered an influential thinker by influential people is prima facie evidence of the moral bankruptcy of American foreign policy in the second half of the last century, and the beginning of this one. Just to put the “real” back in realpolitik, here’s the invaluable National Security Archives file on Kissinger’s meddling in Chile after the election of Salvador Allende, which made possible the coup that resulted in the death and torture of at least 10,000 Chileans under the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet. A taste:

At the height of Pinochet’s repression in 1975, Secretary Kissinger met with the Chilean foreign minister, Admiral Patricio Carvajal. Instead of taking the opportunity to press the military regime to improve its human rights record, Kissinger opened the meeting by disparaging his own staff for putting the issue of human rights on the agenda. “I read the briefing paper for this meeting and it was nothing but Human Rights,” he told Carvajal. “The State Department is made up of people who have a vocation for the ministry. Because there are not enough churches for them, they went into the Department of State.”

An amoral sycophant with the instincts of a sociopath and the conscience of a thumbscrew. He should have rotted away his final decades in a cell somewhere. I don’t expect a sense of history from TBOTP, where history is defined by yesterday’s tweets. But, Jesus, people, even I know a criminal when I see one.

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Bartender, a double Prestone, and see what the pundits in the back room will have.

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