Why Does Life 360 Say No Network

Do you see the error message “no network or phone off” when you try to track someone on Life360?

As useful as the app can be in helping you track friends and love ones, there are certain steps that users can take to keep you from tracking them.

When then employ these methods, you may see the “no network or phone off” error appear every time you check on them.

Here, you will learn what does “No network or phone off” on Life360 mean and what you can do to fix this error.

What does “No network or phone off” mean on Life360?

no network or phone off

The person intentionally turned off device or disabled the network.

The “No Network or Phone Off” status on Life360 could be caused by the user intentionally turning off the network and location permission.

Here are the possible scenarios:

When the target phone is turned off, Life360 app couldn’t work properly and therefore displays the status.

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However, according to our test, we shut off the device A, but after a hour it still doesn’t show the no network or phone off status.

When the person disabled the network connection on his or her device, Life360 is also unable to acquire the location data.

But in our test, we turned off the network connection on device A, it doesn’t show the no network or phone off status as well.

No signal of the target device.

It’s also possible that the target device is in an area with unstable network and signal.

According to our test, our device A has turned on the network and enabled the location permission, yet on device B, device A’s status is shown as no network or phone off.

In this situation, even though the device A has enabled network and positioning, life360 is still unable to track the device because of signal troubles.

So we must point out, it’s probable that the person with “No Network or Phone Off” did not on purpose disable the network and location to avoid tracking.

Other common Life360 status

Location Permissions Off

If you see the “Location Permissions Off” status, then they may have disabled the phone’s GPS or they have denied the app GPS permissions.

To turn off the location permissions for Life360, iPhone users can launch the Settings app and go to “Life360” and then set the location to “Never.”

Once this is turned off, the member’s profile will show the message “Location permissions off” or “Location/GPS Turned off.”

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Location Sharing Paused

The “Location Sharing Paused” message will appear if the user turn off the location sharing from Life360.

They can do this by the following steps:

  1. Open Life360, then tap on the “Settings” menu and choose “Location Sharing.”
  2. Then click on the button next to your name and profile picture and turn the sharing toggle off.

Background Location Off

If you see the “Background Location Off” status next to their names, then it is likely that the device is in low power mode or they have adjusted their battery settings to save battery life.

How to fix the “No Network or Phone off” error

If you see the error “No network or phone off” or “location permissions/GPS off”, you can try the following steps to fix it:

Log Out and Log Back In

  1. Log out of the Life360 on your phone.
  2. Log in to the same account on your device again.

If you have used Life360 on other device before, try to log out of Life360 on the device you don’t wish to use anymore and log back in on the primary device.

Check Network Connection

To obtain the location data of the target device, Life360 will have to communicate with the server and and therefore you will need to ensure your device is connected to a Wi-Fi network.

If the network you are using is not strong enough, it may take longer for Life360 to verify the location.

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Try to connect your device to a different network and then close and reopen in Life360.

Enable Location Permission

Another solution is to ensure that Life360 has full location permissions to track your real-time location. To do this:

Step 1. Open the Device’s settings and scroll to find the Life360 app.

Step 2. Then enable the location permission.

  • On Android: tap “Permissions” and enable location.
  • On iOS devices, tap “Location” then choose Life 360. Choose “Always” in the “Allow Location Access” section.

Wrap Up

While the “no network or phone off” error can indicate that someone doesn’t want to be tracked, it can also be a simple error in the settings of the app. It is our hope that you are now able to determine which it is.

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