Why Does My Baby Squirm So Much

It is not unusual to have a newborn grunting and squirming while sleeping. Many new mothers go through this phase of the child’s development process, and there are some tactics you can use to calm the baby down.

There is a significant lack of general information on handling a newborn baby. Still, places such as the Worldwide Pediatrics Group offer counseling for new mothers who need support and help when welcoming a newborn. General Pediatric Care in Plantation and Doral, Florida, is at the disposal of new parents who are still learning how to handle the needs of a recently born child and how to adjust their daily routines to this change. This process is sometimes quite challenging for new parents, so any kind of additional help and guidance is beneficial.

Your baby grunting in their sleep is not the biggest concern you might face as a parent, so first try not to stress so much about it because, in most cases, it does not present anything serious. Losing sleep because you just had a baby is an integral part of being a new parent, so when your baby is squirming at night, you will be able to monitor the occurrence and react promptly in case of additional complications.

Why Is My Newborn Grunting and Squirming While Sleeping?

To stop panicking and worrying about this problem, we must explain the potential reasons your newborn might be grunting in their sleep.

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The simple, most common reason for this is that your newborn is learning how to defecate, i.e., poop. When babies are born, they learn how to navigate their own bodies, and even though our bodies are used to emptying our bowels, it occurs automatically; for babies, this is a learning process, and they need time and practice.

The term often used in these cases is infant dyschezia, which means babies are having issues with pooping. Although it might sound quite scary for a new parent to hear their newborn grunting and squirming in their sleep, it is not that problematic. The child is simply trying to understand which muscles move which body part in this process, while adults relax their pelvic floor and use the muscles in the stomach quite naturally when emptying their bowels.

This is quite complicated for infants, so while figuring out the process, the baby will be grunting in their sleep. Grunting usually includes the usage of the muscles of the diaphragm, affecting the voice box directly, so you might hear some noises which will not sound normal. Sometimes newborns’ grunting in their sleep can be accompanied by cries and even turning red or purple in their faces.

If you have noticed that the child’s poop is normal, then you should not worry about it at all. Nonetheless, visit your chosen pediatrician and discuss this topic with them in more detail, just to be on the safe side of things.

Other reasons for newborn grunting and squirming can include:

  • Constipation (if the frequency of defecation is low, the belly is quite hard, etc.)
  • Irregular breathing
  • Chest congestion
  • Nasal congestion
  • Gastroesophageal reflux, or GER
  • Illnesses such as pneumonia, heart failure, and meningitis (quite rare)
  • REM sleeping phase where the baby becomes more active
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Caring Mother Making Gymnastics to Her Newborn Baby on Bed at Home, Helping to Relief Gas, Doing Exercises to Prevent Child Constipation

What Are the Solutions for A Baby Squirming at Night?

To offer potential solutions, we need to know why your baby grunts in their sleep. Below we have brought some solutions for each of the above-mentioned potential causes so you can have some sort of a guideline before speaking to a specialist.

  • Constipation: If you consider that your baby is suffering from constipation, call your chosen doctor. The solution might be to change the formula you give to your child or your diet in case you are still breastfeeding. Also, you can move their legs and give them stomach massages or baths to loosen the muscles. Avoid giving the child laxatives unless your doctor says so.
  • Irregular breathing: This might sound a bit scary, but in most cases, your child is learning how to breathe and how to use their respiratory organs. In case you notice really quick and irregular breathing, call your doctor because it is essential to share this with them as well, however insignificant someone might find it.
  • Chest and nasal congestion: When it comes to nasal congestion, sometimes the simplest solution will help your baby overcome this issue. Very often, mucus is trapped inside the airways, so you can either use a suction bulb or a few drops of a saline solution to fix the matter. If you notice that they are having chest congestion, please consult your doctor.
  • GER: It is a little-known fact that almost 85% of babies have acid reflux. Put in simple terms, this means that the food the child consumes is headed in the opposite direction from where it should be going. This can also cause your newborn to grunt and squirm. If additional symptoms occur, and the baby struggles with this, call your chosen doctor because they might suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease, which needs medical assistance.
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When to Visit a Doctor?

As mentioned a few times before, in most cases, your newborn grunting and squirming while sleeping does not indicate anything serious. This said, if you start noticing any of the below-mentioned symptoms, it means that you need to call your doctor immediately:

  • The baby appears to be in pain or distress
  • They are grunting with every breath
  • Their lips are blue
  • They have a fever
  • They are experiencing weight loss
  • They are tired almost constantly

Do not feel ashamed to call your chosen doctor as often as possible if this will help you put your mind at ease and reduce stress. The specialist you chose is there to help you deal exactly with issues like these, so consult them as much as needed.

Does the Grunting Stop?

Many mothers report that the grunting and squirming stop after a few weeks. It is a case-by-case situation, and it is different for every child. The grunting can start right after birth or a month later, but if this phase lasts longer than a few weeks, contact your doctor and ask for guidance and support.

We Are Here for You and Your Child!

Being a new mother is stressful on its own, and when your baby is showing signs of additional distress and issues, the worry just grows. Our clinic and experts are here to help new parents overcome potential challenges in the first few months of having a baby. Numerous patients have visited our center and asked for support and help. If you need us for anything, just pick up the phone, and we will be there. You are not alone in this; we are here every step of the way. Contact us today!

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