Why Does My Cat Not Sleep With Me Anymore

Although not wanting to sleep with you doesn’t mean they don’t love you, suddenly stopping this behavior can mean the relationship has changed. This is in contrast to never having a strong relationship.

Whether they are a kitten or adult, adopting a cat will require a period of adjustment. The feline will need to get to know they surroundings and socialize with those in the home. The most important socialization period for cats happens between 2 to 8 weeks of age, but adult cats can also learn to socialize to some degree. If they have had poor socialization, it will likely mean it will take some time for them to be able to sleep with you comfortably. Some cats never will.

Some cats are perfectly capable of sleeping next to us, but our relationship is preventing it from happening. Even though we want to gain their trust, we be unconsciously hindering the process. One of the most important is ignoring their communication.

Perhaps the most effective way of preventing your cat sleeping on you is by making them do it. We may think we are being loving and encouraging when we pick up our cat and place them on our lap. In reality, the cat may feel scared and confined. If we try to hold them in place, this will make things worse. If we do it consistently, it can mean our relationship never becomes close.

Refer to more articles:  Why Do Cats Watch You Sleep

If you want to forge a strong relationship and gain your cat’s trust, it is very important you pay attention to what they are trying to say. If they meow, place their ears back and flit their tail side to side when you pick them up, they are trying to tell you to stop doing it. If the cat scratches and bites you, they can’t make themselves any clearer.

Instead, you should let the cat come to you. You can entice them with a soft blanket and even a treat, but remain passive and be patient. If your cat is every going to lay on top of you, they will do it in their own time and on their own terms.

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