Why Do Cats Perch on Shoulders?

Cats have a knack for doing cool and unexpected things, and one of those things is perching on your shoulder. It’s not something all cats do, but if you’ve ever wondered why some cats have this unique behavior, you’re about to find out!

Hey, Look at ME!

Contrary to popular belief, cats that perch on shoulders aren’t necessarily braver or more adventurous than other cats. They simply seek your undivided attention. If you praise and give them the attention they crave when they perch on your shoulder, they’ll be more likely to do it regularly. So, it’s their way of saying, “Look at me!”

These cats are often athletic and agile. While it’s rare to see a chubby cat leaping five feet in the air, they’ll find other ways to get your attention, like meowing loudly next to their food bowl.

Take me to Great Heights

Cats love a good vantage point. That’s why breeds like Maine Coons and Abyssinians are notorious perchers. If your cat enjoys perching on your shoulder, they’re likely drawn to the security you provide and the elevated view. If they can walk around on your shoulders, it’s a clear indication that they really love the view from up high.

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Affectionate on Their Terms

Cats can be affectionate but on their own terms. Not all cats enjoy cuddling in laps, but those that perch on shoulders aren’t the lap cat type. When a cat chooses to perch on your shoulder, it’s a true sign of affection. Just be cautious of those claws!

Some cats are trained to jump on shoulders, while others seem to naturally master the act. It’s up to you to decide if you want to encourage this behavior. If it becomes a nuisance, you can’t give in to their demands and expect them to stop. Cats are creatures of habit, and once they develop a habit, it’s hard to break.

If you’ve noticed your kitty’s love for perching, consider investing in a cat perch for them in your home. It will stimulate their minds and provide them with an exciting place to climb when you’re away.

Remember: Adopt, don’t shop. Microchip your pets and spay/neuter them for their well-being!

Related Story: Why Do Cats Like To Chew Or Lick Plastic?

Related Story: Why Do These Sleeping Cats And Kittens Make Every Sad Moment In Animal Rescue Worth It?

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