HomeWHYWhy Does My Cat Watch Me Shower

Why Does My Cat Watch Me Shower

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I’m sure you’ve seen Mr. Fluffball watching over you as he sits somewhere up high in the shadows. You’ve probably caught his two eyes glisten in the middle of the night and for some this curious gaze has followed them into the bathroom!

Cats are known for being curious and observant as their all-seeing eyes watch over their domain, but what’s so fascinating about showers?

Why does my cat watch me shower? Being the center of your cat’s attention means that they’ll follow you around, even to the bathroom. Since showering is a repetitive activity, your cat could follow you there out of habit or get attention. Watching you shower could also be entertaining since it’s one

If you’d like to know more about why your kinky-cat is watching you shower, then keep on reading!

Let’s get started!

Why Does My Cat Watch Me Shower?

Having your cat stare at you while you’re showering could leave you feeling exposed or amused, instead of clean and refreshed. For some of us, it might also depend on whether their cat’s face is one of horror.

But jokes aside this does seem like a strange interest to have, even for a cat! But all behaviors no matter how strange have an explanation or at least some logic behind them, so let’s see if this is the case with shower stalking.

1. Curiosity

I’m sure I won’t be the first or the last to use the saying, “curiosity killed the cat,” and while the shower won’t kill your cat it can definitely make them curious. Bathrooms are usually quite different from the rest of the house, they have cool tiles where your cat can cool down during the summers, they can have interesting smells from all the beauty products.

Seeing you shower could also awaken your cat’s curiosity for the water running. Some cats enjoy laying in the sink or bathtub, some even drink the water as it dribbles or slowly runs on them.

Just look at this beautiful and chatty kitty chilling in the sink!

There are also a few other things that can inspire their feline playfulness as well as curiosity and that’s a flappy bathmat and toilet rolls. If you have a washing machine in the bathroom your cat might be attracted to the sound it makes. The bathroom can become a very hot and humid place when someone is taking a shower which your cat might enjoy.

What sparks a cat’s interest is usually something that’s forbidden, something we try to keep away from them. A closed door, the corner of the couch we try to keep them off, and to some, it’s their personal bath time. Veterinarian Kathryn Primm, DVM, states that “vulnerability, curiosity, and resource value can all be explanations but really everyone with a cat knows the real answer. Cats are contrarians. It is in their DNA to want what they cannot have.”

So, it’s only natural that a less used room like your bathroom will spark their interest and curiosity!

2. Litterbox Business

I keep my litterbox in the bathroom because it’s the room less used and it’s designed for this kind of privacy. My cats seem to like it, but I do face the occasional shower stare which in my cats’ language is, “I need to use the bathroom, so if you could leave that would be great!”

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So, if you also keep your litterbox in the bathroom, then you’re bound to bump into each other. Your cat might even start meowing to let you know that they need some alone time to make their business, all the while you’re scrubbing yourself clean.

Cats can be very private about going to the bathroom and it could be part of the same instinct that tells them to bury their poop and urine. According to research, “glandular secretions in feces convey plenty of information to other felines.” If left exposed it can attract predators, something your kitty will naturally try to avoid.

Of course, domesticated cats don’t really see us as predators, but they still cover their feces. Desmond Morris a Zoologist and Ethologist, explains that “in an undisturbed home, all domestic cats see themselves as subordinates of their human owners, so under normal circumstances, all domestic cats use litter trays.”

So, since using the toilet is such a sensitive matter to your cat, seeing you shower can make them uncomfortable. The possibility of water splashes and noise could also stress them out. Some cats might leave and wait until the coast is clear, while others will stare until you get the message and let them pee in peace.

3. It’s Their Hiding Spot

Part of a cat’s healthy environment is having a safe space to hide and enjoy some alone time, away from the noise and unwanted attention. Some cats prefer a cardboard box, others the highest shelf, and there are those who look for the comfort of a laundry basket, the sink, or even the bathtub itself.

A laundry basket is filled with their owner’s scent, the clothes also create a warm and soft spot to lay on. It could be a simple habit, a need to stay away from everyone, or a reaction to a stressful situation.

If there are significant changes happening in your home your cat will look for a hiding place. Claudia Vinke of Utrecht University in the Netherlands agrees that “hiding is a behavioral strategy of the species to cope with environmental changes and stressors.” Having guests over or adopting a new pet could be one of those stressors.

Now if you or your guests are using the shower where your cat is hiding, then you might find your fluffball starring at you or them. It can be a stare of someone annoyed or scared. Perhaps your cat is waiting for you to leave or it’s the only room where they can show you some attention since there are strangers outside of the bathroom.

If you don’t have a laundry basket you might find your kitty sitting inside the litterbox instead, or scratching it excessively, which can be a sign of stress or even health issues. In this case, you should check with your vet and make sure that your feline friend isn’t in some sort of pain.

4. They Want Attention

Does your cat follow you around the house? Do they crave pets and cuddles as they rub themselves against your leg? Finally, if you close the door and leave your cat outside will they try to claw their way in? If the answer is yes, then it’s quite clear that the center of their attention is you and not so much the room or the activity.

For a long time, the idea that cats don’t really care about their owners and that they’re not social animals prevailed. But recent studies are beginning to show a different side of our feline companions.

Kristyn Vitale, an animal behavior scientist at Oregon State University has found that “the majority of cats prefer interacting with a person over, eating or playing with a toy.” She also found that cats are capable of creating attachments, both secure and insecure, just like children do with their caregivers.

This means that independent cats that will greet you at the door and then go about their day are actually securely attached. A cat that follows their owner around is more likely to be overly attached, which can lead to some inappropriate shower staring.

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You might find your kitty looking at you while you’re in the bathtub as some strange quirk, but it can simply be their way of making sure you’re ok and that they love you. It could also be the only time when you seem to be still and alone, so it can be their opportunity to ask for pets, purr while sitting next to you or even ask for some playtime.

5. Unintentional Positive Reinforcement

Most people including cat owners might see cats as completely independent individuals, but according to Sarah Ellis, co-author of The Trainable Cat, “ what they don’t realize, though is that they are subconsciously training their cats on a daily basis.”

You might think what does showering has to do with training your cat, but your reaction to your cat’s unconventional habit could’ve reinforced this behavior. You see even if you scold or try to push your cat outside of the room, in their mind, this is perceived as attention, and to some, this is better than nothing!

The best way to train your cat or to stop unwanted behavior is by using the method called “positive reinforcement.” If you don’t like that your cat is standing there while you’re showering or enjoying a relaxed candlelit path, ignore them. Instead, reward your cat with attention when their behavior is acceptable.

It might take time for your cat to understand that they’re not getting anything from you, but one day they might lose interest and stop. You could also consult a cat behaviorist and get a better understanding of this positive method and create a better understanding between you and your fluffy familiar which in turn make your bond stronger!

6. They Like The Water

That’s right, some cats love running water! They might like to drink it or even bathe in it and there are those cats that enjoy watching. You might find your kitty stare at you while you’re showering, but they might be simply looking at the water. If you’re relaxing in a bathtub then they might be captivated by the bubbles instead, but too afraid to come close, so they simply stare from a distance.

Instead of feeling awkward under your cat’s gaze try to take a moment and observe what is it that fascinates them so. Are they trying to touch the water? Do they lick the shower curtains or wet tiles? Are they afraid you’re going to drown?

This interest in water isn’t uncommon and it can be a great source of entertainment or it could be a sign of illness. Check to see if their water bowl is full and keep an eye on if they’re actually drinking it. A low or high water intake could be a sign of kidney disease or diabetes, and an overheated cat could also suffer from dehydration.

If your cat is healthy and simply enjoys running water, you could look into getting them a new water bowl. Just take a look at this one on Amazon, which will keep the water fresh and your cat’s drinking time entertaining! Possibly more entertaining than your shower!

7. To Explore Your Bathroom

Some cat parent keeps their litterbox in the bathroom, while others prefer to keep that space cat-free. Well since that space can be off-limits to some cats closed doors are enough to spike their curiosity to another level.

When you shower might be the only time they get to sneak into the bathroom and when they do, they might be enthralled by the falling water. You might think that all your cat does is stare at you, but it’s also a great opportunity for them to explore a new area, perhaps rub their scent on a place or two.

8. It’s Part Of Their Routine

Most cats hate change, but they love routine and if your precious showering moments interrupt their routine you can expect them to knock on your door or stare at you until you come out of the shower and satisfy their needs.

If you shower before feeding your cat, it might be their way to show you that you should hurry up or they simply wait in anticipation. We might not notice a small detail like that, but for cats, a scheduled day is a great day and they can easily train us to follow their lead.

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Try noticing what hours you take a shower and if there’s a following activity your cat can be waiting on. Being observant can tell us a lot about our kitty’s mood, needs, and anticipations. Perhaps staring at you when you’re most vulnerable isn’t rudeness, it might mean that there’s a cat-emergency!

Should You Let Your Cat Watch You In The Shower?

There’s no research or clear reason that could possibly answer that question in a negative way. There’s nothing harmful about your cat watching you shower, apart from your own discomfort of course.

Even though cats have emotions your cat doesn’t understand shame or embarrassment, at least not as we do. If you’re thinking of allowing this behavior, then remember to keep cleaning products away from your cat’s reach and any other harmful substances.

If your cat likes the bathroom so much you could even turn the room into a cat-friendly space with a few toys laying here and there. This way you could share the bathroom, without having your cat to actually stare at you.

How To Stop Your Cat Watching You While You Shower?

For those of you who feel tοo uncomfortable with your cat being stalky while you’re relaxing in the shower there are a few options. The only thing you need to remember is that don’t shame them for their kinky way of loving you!

Shut Them Out Of The Bathroom

The first and most logical approach is to close your bathroom door every time you decide to take a shower. For some cats, this will be enough of a sign and they’ll go about their day without much protest.

Then again there’s a certain type of cats that hate closed doors. I’m fully aware of their kind since one of my fluffballs is exactly that! You can still try this method and ignore your cat’s possible cries and with time they should get the message. Don’t shout back or give any signs that you heard them because they’ll perceive it as attention and their meows will most likely escalate.

Make it a habit to close the door even if you go to the bathroom to wash your hands, this way your cat will learn that it’s your turn to use the bathroom alone. Be patient and kind with your kitty cause all he wants to do is be with you!

Redirect Their Attention

If you prefer to keep your door claw-free and you can’t listen to your poor kitty crying, then try making the bathroom an unappealing place. Put any objects they could play with somewhere they can’t find or reach it. If they spend their alone time inside the laundry basket then you could buy one with a secure lid or move it to another room.

Try moving your cat’s feeding schedule before your shower to redirect their attention or give them some catnip instead. If your cat watches you shower because they expect you to play with them, you could also have a quick session before taking a shower.

For someone who enjoys taking long baths and their moment of peace, use essential oils and candles the smell f which your kitty hates. Slowly teach them that watching you shower isn’t an interesting or fun activity. Take advantage of the moments they’re asleep or away from home.

Finally, if your cat stares at you because they want to use the litterbox, then buy a covered one and place it in a corner where it will be less likely to get much attention. This way both of you can get the privacy you need.

Closing Thoughts

A cat’s love works in mysterious ways and I wonder if watching us shower is part of that mystery. Sure, they might be simply enjoying the humid atmosphere or the sound of the running water, but do they really have to stare?

Drawing boundaries can be hard and this is certainly one most of us would love to establish. But at least now, by knowing the reasons behind this strange behavior we might be able to do so!

Did you ever have to ask yourself why does my cat watch me shower? If your answer is yes then let us know if you ever found out why they do it and what did you do about it?


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