HomeWHYWhy Does My Dishwasher Smell Like Wet Dog

Why Does My Dishwasher Smell Like Wet Dog

Sorry in advance for the length of this. A big Thank You to taximick47; I was searching for is something scientific I can point to as the reason why dishes come out smelling like wet dog when my husband washes them, but not when I wash them, and I think he’s on the right track. Here’s why:

We have had this problem for more than 10 years. What happens is that I end up re-washing the dishes after my husband to get rid of the smell. I actually have to do this surreptitiously, because if he catches me his feeling are hurt. I hate this, because I’ve watched him wash the dishes, and I know he does a fine job. I don’t want to upset him, but I just can’t stand putting the dishes away stinky and being smacked in the face later with an unappetizing odor when I open the cupboards.

Here are the particulars of our situation: We hand wash all our dishes. We swap out our dishwashing cloths for clean ones religiously every couple of days. We have very little outside air circulating through our house, as we live in a hot place and run the A/C practically year-round. We have recently had our old water heater replaced with a new model, yet the problem continues. We have municipal water, and the problem continues even though the servicing utility and the treatment method has changed within the past few years. Also, all of our dishes are actually washed twice: First I “pre-wash” them with a mixture of detergent and bleach to remove all traces of food and grease. Then later, one of us comes along and washes them “for real” – again, with a mixture of detergent and bleach. We wash one item at a time with the soapy cloth instead of using a sink full of soapy water. The problem affects all types of dishes: glass, stainless steel, stoneware, plastic, etc.

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I refuse to believe for one second that the odor is caused by residual food or lingering bacteria, given that all of our dishes are treated with not one, but two rounds of bleach. I dare anyone to find colonies of bacteria on our dishes. The ONLY difference in the way my husband and I wash dishes is that he insists on using hot water to wash and rinse, while I use cold. I tried to tell him that using hot is kind of pointless, since our hands cannot tolerate water hot enough to actually sanitize, and because we have the bleach doing the sanitizing for us, but he persists. And so does the smell, which disappears completely as soon as I give them a quickie rewash in cold.


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