Why Does My Dog Cry At Night

1. Appeasement Whining

As mentioned, appeasement behavior is exhibited when a dog feels threatened or intimidated by a particular presence, which can be from a stranger or another dog.

You can determine this behavior if your dog crouches or rolls over its stomach with ears or tail tucked. In addition, they would also try to avoid eye contact and stray away from the perceived threat.

This is normal, but the best way to prevent this behavior from persisting is to boost your dog’s confidence. Some techniques or activities you could have your dog do are as follows:

  • Reward-based training
  • Dog sports (Flyball, agility, musical freestyle, etc.)
  • Interactive Games (Tug, fetch, etc.)

Moreover, avoid giving physical and verbal punishment as this could put all your efforts to waste. Intimidating your already easily threatened dog would only reduce their confidence and increase their appeasement whining.

Why Is My Dog Whining at Night?

2. Greeting Through Whining

To control a hyperactive dog from whining when greeting people, the best way is to divert their attention to something else, such as their toys.

This is because telling them to be quiet will not work unless trained to respond precisely to the word. In addition, an overly excited dog would experience difficulty controlling its behavior. Here are some ways to keep your greetings simple to stop your dog from excessive whining during greetings:

  • Speak in low and modulated voices and avoid excited tones
  • Make small and slow movements
  • Interact with your dog only when they are relaxed and less excited
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Another option you have is to teach them specifically what to do when guests are over, such as sitting or giving them toys. Their whining will significantly be reduced if dogs are kept busy during these times.

3. Whining for Attention

For dogs who whine just to get what they want, the way to get them to tone down is to make them realize that being quiet is a better method.

Unless the owner has unmatched patience, this could be tough to carry out since giving in would be the easier and quicker option. However, teaching your dog to whine less for attention would be the better choice in the long run.

Of course, there will also be times when owners unknowingly reinforce the behavior by maintaining eye contact, touching, and talking to them, even when they’re reprimanding them.

In this case, your dog will not take your scolding seriously. Instead, they would feel victorious because you’ve given them the attention they need. Thus, the best way to show them that you are upset is to make dramatic gestures such as crossing your arms over your chest and ignoring their whining.

In addition, rewarding them when they become quiet is also needed to make them realize that this works. Intentionally giving them treats or attention while they are quiet is also another alternative.

This way, they’ll become more motivated to stop whining because they know that this is the best way to gain your attention.

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