HomeWHYWhy Does My Dog Have To Be Touching Me

Why Does My Dog Have To Be Touching Me

Dogs tend to love being around us and usually when they are around us, they love to push their bodies up against ours. It may seem weird when you sit down to truly think about it, but it is their way of communicating. Just as a child will grab their parent’s leg when they are uncomfortable, or even comfortable, your dog will do the same.

Leaning on you is a way your dog lets you know that they trust you and they love to be around you, in any type of situation. Yet, leaning is only one form of physical touch. You may notice when your dog is in your bed with you, or if you are sitting near each other, he wants to put his head on you or nudge you in some capacity. This type of touch is simply because he loves being with you and it is a form of affection. They feel happy in your presence and the warmth of you brings them comfort.

Another major form of touch that your dog may constantly do is nudging their nose on you or even pawing you. These two forms of touch are more for attention, but each one may exhibit a different need. When your dog begins to nudge their nose into you, they may want to have your attention and your affection, especially if it is directed somewhere else. Yet, if you are sad or if your dog feels something may be wrong, they may nudge you to get your attention, so they know you are okay. Their nudge can be a way to show you attention. If your dog is constantly pawing at you, that is another form of attention. They may try and paw you after you pet them or if they are waiting for food or even a walk. Most times, when your dog is touching you they are either trying to show you attention and affection, or they are desiring something for you.

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Your dog loves you and you are their pack leader, so any bit of touch brings them comfort, warmth, and love to some degree. It is also their way of communicating any form of need as well.


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