Why Does My Dog Lay By The Door

Do you always catch your furry fur-iend getting some shuteye by your bedroom or front door? If so, you might find yourself scratching your head wondering why your canine companion has selected the doorway as their snooze place rather than their snuggly dog bed. Keep reading to find out why this is!

Why Does My Dog Sleep by the Door?

A few things explain why your pawsome pup sleeps by the door. Here are the most common reasons:

If you want to know why your dog sleeps by the door, why it could be a problem and what to do to get them back in their dog bed or on their blanket (which isn’t by the door!) this blog will give you some useful pointers.


Since our fur babies know that the door carries the possibility of danger, they might be sleeping there ready to paw-tect you by blocking any threat. This behavior is particularly common among dog breeds that are naturally protective and have guard dog tendencies, like German Shepherds and Rottweilers. With this one, look out for behaviors like barking when someone unfamiliar passes by the door.

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Also, since dogs have retained their wolf ancestors’ pack mentality, they possess an evolutionary drive to protect their ‘pack’ (usually their family and owners). You can take this as a compliment, you’ve got a loyal best fur-iend who really cares about you!

Getting your Attention

Does your dog’s sleeping place sometimes feel like an attempt to block your path? This may be a sign that your mutt demands your undivided attention. Although sometimes they might just be after a quick cuddle, this behavior could be a sign that they want to play, exercise, eat, or be taken outside to do their business. If your dog’s trying to get your attention when you just want to hit the hay, consider getting your pup some dog treats or dog toys as a distraction.

Marking their Territory

If you’ve recently moved house, got a new roomie or there’s a baby (fur or hooman) who has joined the pack, your dog is most likely reacting territorially to these changes. Your pup wants to make their home feel like it belongs to them, particularly if the house feels a bit unhomely. However, your furry friend will usually adjust to these changes over time. Behavioral training can help your dog adapt to their new environment if nothing improves!

Exerting Control

As mentioned before, your dog possesses an inherited pack mentality. So, if your dog isn’t sensing strong leadership from you, they might want to assert their superiority. One way your mutt achieves this is by controlling when you get in and out of the house or your bedroom. If you don’t want to be the follower in your dog-human relationship, you might want to consider developing a bit more dominance over your pup!

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Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety is when your dog feels stressed, anxious, and helpless when you’re not there. A telling sign that your dog suffers from separation anxiety is that they don’t do anything but sleep by the door. Since you probably don’t want a dog that’s in a constant state of fear that you’ll leave, you should think about training your pup to get them out of this mindset. One effective way to stop separation anxiety is to leave your dog for small increments and return before they start displaying signs of stress. Providing your pooch with a snuggly blanket will certainly help keep them feeling comfortable while you’re away.

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