HomeWHYWhy Does My Dog Rub Against The Couch

Why Does My Dog Rub Against The Couch

We need your help on getting our cat and dog to stop rubbing against the furniture. The cat leaves lots of fur on the couch and the bedskirt, and the dog seems to get everything dark, stained and dirty.

Why do they do this? We have a few chairs we are going to have to dispose of or get re-covered. Can we change their habits?

We have heard of cats doing this, but not dogs. Did our dog learn this habit from our cat?

Cats and dogs rub against furniture for different reasons.

Cats rub against people to show affection and deposit their scent or to pick up the person’s scent. They rub against furniture to mark it and claim it. They will often do this if other cats are around to establish dominance, but your cat might be doing this to mark the furniture to show dominance to the dog.

On the other hand, dogs typically rub against furniture because they are enjoying the feeling or find relief from a medical condition, such as an ear or eye infection or allergies.

Since they both have done this behavior for a while, I doubt that there is any medical condition that needs attention and it has probably become habit for both.

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While I am not sure if the dog learned the behavior from your cat, you might be able to “train” them both from continuing this behavior. The dog may benefit from you being stern when the behavior occurs and praising the dog when it stops. The same will not likely work for the cat.

Spraying the pets with water may get them to stop, but they may also like it. You may want to try putting two-sided sticky tape on the furniture, which may be an aversion to them both. Plastic covering might also work. Look into over-the-counter pheromone products.

You know your home. Think of what might deter them and go with it. It might be tough to get them to change their behaviors after such a long time.

If all else fails, I would consult with a veterinary behaviorist. Good luck!


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