Why Does My Nose Whistle When I Exhale

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The septum (the wall that separates the left and right nasal cavities) should be straight and without holes, but that’s not always the case. Those with a deviated septum (where the septum is displaced to one side) may also experience whistling when they breathe through their nose. At our ENT clinic in Sugar Land, we can properly diagnose and treat your septal perforation or deviated septum, and eliminate the whistling.

Correcting the Issue

It is possible to correct the perforated or deviated septum, and one option is surgery. Our doctors understand that nose surgery can be a scary possibility, but they’ll do everything they can to assuage your fears. Surgery can consist of closing the perforation or making it bigger so it doesn’t produce the whistling sound when you breathe.

For a deviated septum, surgery consists of separating the nasal mucosa (the soft tissue lining the nasal passages) from the septum and straightening or trimming the cartilage and bone. This procedure is very precise, and it may not take much to correct the issue.

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For recovery, it may be necessary to have a nasal splint put in place to help with healing, and our doctors will give you at-home care instructions so everything heals properly. You may not be able to blow your nose for a few days (even though you may feel like you need to every five minutes), and if you have to sneeze, be sure to do so with your mouth open so all the pressure doesn’t go through your nose.

The Vivaer Nasal Airway remodeling procedure

Millions of individuals struggle with nasal airway obstruction that limits their airflow through their nose. Your only treatment options, up until now, were breathing strips and medicine which provided only temporary relief and surgery which is painful, invasive and takes a long time to recover from. Today, however, there’s the Vivaer Airway Remodeling procedure your doctor can perform right in their office to help you breathe better.

The Vivaer treatment option:

  • Is non-invasive: It sends controlled energy to specific areas, reshaping your nasal airway effectively without damaging the tissue. With Vivaer, there’s no removal or destruction to tissue, no cutting or incisions and no exterior change or implants.

  • Is an in-Office Procedure: Vivaer is an easy, in-office treatment option that integrates easily in the doctor’s practice with very little workflow disruption.

  • Offers clinically proven results: Patients have experienced significant nasal airflow improvements and outcomes.

Houston ENT and allergy is your resource for nasal breathing problems

If you’re tired of hearing a whistling sound every time you breathe through your nose, or your spouse or significant other has told you that you snore loudly and that your nose whistles when you’re sleeping, it might be time to schedule an appointment with our ENT clinic. You might notice that the whistling is worse at certain times than others, and this could be due to nasal inflammation or sinusitis. If the whistling is constant and never seems to get louder or quieter, it could be because of a septal perforation or deviated septum.

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We’re dedicated to helping you discover the cause of your nasal condition, and you can request an appointment online or call us at (281) 649-7200. We’re here Monday through Friday, and we look forward to helping with all of your ENT needs!

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