Why Does My Period Blood Look Black

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While period discussions often focus on shades of red, the spectrum extends to dark brown, and yes, even black. But the sight of black period blood often freaks people out. But here’s the thing, black period blood is not actually black, it’s so dark that it appears so. Now, the key is understanding the factors that can influence its colour. It can be due to the period flow rate or even how long blood takes to exit your body. While it’s not usually a cause for concern, sometimes it can indicate some underlying issues.

So from what causes black period blood to when to see a doctor, here’s everything you need to know about it.

Causes Of Black Period Blood

When blood stays in our uterus for too long, it reacts with oxygen and oxides, turning it dark brown or blackish in colour. But that’s not the only explanation for why your period blood is appearing dark. Here are other factors that can make period blood look black.

  1. We sometimes tend to experience low bleeding during periods, especially at the beginning and at the end. This generally happens because our period blood takes time to exit the uterus. Now during this time, the blood gets enough time to come in contact with oxygen which oxidises it and turns its colour into a dark brown.
  2. Blood that has been in the uterus for a long time can turn dark, almost resembling black period blood.
  3. Sometimes the uterine lining can take a longer time to shed which can turn the blood darker in colour.
  4. When menstrual blood is unable to leave the vaginal canal, it fills up the vagina and slowly turns darker over time.
  5. When some menstrual blood flows backwards into the uterus, it might stay there and slowly turn darker in colour.
  6. Certain medications like birth control can impact the colour of your period blood, potentially making it and even your vaginal discharge darker.
  7. Conditions such as polyps or fibroids, that affect the endometrial tissue, can contribute to darker menstrual blood.
  8. Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI), like chlamydia and gonorrhoea, can also cause your period blood to turn dark. These infections generally cause inflammation and irritation and often lead to abnormal bleeding and brown discharge.
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When To See A Doctor For Black Period Blood?

It’s normal to experience black period blood, especially at the start or end of your cycle. However, if you notice a foul smell along with dark blood then it might indicate an infection, which means you need to consult a doctor. But that’s not it. If you experience unbearable period pain and discomfort or unusually longer or shorter period cycles, then it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional.

Sirona Recommended Products for Black Period Blood

Sirona Intimate Wash for Women

The skin around our intimate area is utterly sensitive, and hence using soap can get harsh and disrupt the natural vaginal flora, causing infection. Sirona’s Intimate Wash is made with ingredients keeping this in mind.

Non-Applicator Tampons

These Tampons are designed to tackle constant dampness and restricted movement caused by the traditional pad.

Rash-Free Sanitary Pads

These sanitary pads have a cottony-soft top sheet, which makes them ultra-soft and comfortable. The breathable top layer also prevents rashes and irritation.

Sirona 100% Rash-Free Overnight Sanitary Pads

Meant for heavy flow, especially during the night, these rash-free pads are highly adsorbent, do not cause rashes, and provide a leak-free experience.

Also Read

4 Phases Of Menstrual Cycle – Understanding what is really going on in your body during the different phases of your menstrual cycle is important. Here’s a full-fledged guide to your rescue.

Scanty Period – If your menstrual flow is scanty and seems more like spotting here and there, we’ve got you covered. Here’s everything you need to know about why it happens and how to increase period flow naturally

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Featured Image: Karolina Grabowska on Pexels

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