Why Does My Pool Have Bubbles

By udm – May 28th, 2019 in Uncategorized

Air bubbles are one of the most common problems faced by pool owners at the beginning of the pool season. When you re-open the pool after the winter, your pool’s filter system has a lot to do with it.

While getting some bubbles from the pool inlets and pumps is normal, having aggressive bubbles and noisy churning means you might have a significant problem.

Before you panic, we’ve put together these easy fixes to help you find the source of air leaks and resolve the issue.

But first, let’s try to understand what causes the pool air bubbles.

What Causes Air Bubbles in Your Swimming Pool?

When your pool has excessive air bubbles, it means that your pool pump is sucking in air from a leak in your filter system. Usually, this indicates the source of the problem is the equipment above the ground.

Yes, this means you can breathe easy since above ground issues are easier to resolve than any underground ones.

Some of the common causes of air leaks include:

  • The level of water in the pool is too low
  • The skimmer basket lid isn’t screwed on tight or isn’t seating properly
  • The O-ring is not a perfect fit or lacks lubrication
  • The pool valves and the pump isn’t sealed properly
  • The vacuum hose has tiny air leaks
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Now that you know why you’re experiencing pool air bubbles, it’s time to find and fix these issues. Our pool maintenance experts will walk you through the different solutions based on your problem area.

Let’s read on to learn how to find air bubbles.

How to Find and Fix Air Bubbles

Air bubbles occur when the pool’s suction system pulls in the air instead of water from your swimming pool. The air gets into your system before the point where water enters the filter; that is to say, at the skimmer, pump, or the unions.

Let’s look at each of these areas to assess the problem.

1. Skimmers

These are often white plastic buckets built into the top sides of the pool. It is responsible for filtering and circulating the water in the pool. Usually, they have a door called a weir. This weir closes when the pump is off to prevent the collected debris from floating back into the pool.

To determine if the skimmer is the culprit, you need to check the following;

  • The water level in your pool with the skimmers
  • The weir is in the correct position, and the opening is not stuck or blocked by pool toys
  • The skimmer baskets are appropriately seated and undamaged to ensure proper water suction.

Ideally, the water level should be at least half way up the skimmer opening. If the water is too low, it will allow air to enter the skimmer and into your pool’s filter system. In this situation, we recommend adding water to the pool.

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You should always ensure proper care and attention when maintaining the water levels in your pool. Optimal water levels help increase the longevity of your equipment and give you a hassle free swimming experience without air leaks.

2. Pumps

Pool pumps are responsible for sucking water into the skimmer. It pulls water in and then pushes it out via the filter creating a pool circulation. The circulation is vital to keep the pool clean and the water from becoming stagnant.

But, if your pump lid is not tight or has cracks, the pump could suck in air through the cover. While it is essential to check the pump lid, most often the problem area is the O-ring. You need to make sure it seats in the correct groove and is not hindered by any debris.

To check this, first, you need to turn off the pump. Then take off the lid and check the O-ring for any cracks. Here’s a tip to do this. Take the O-ring between your fingers and bend it. If you find any signs of cracking, splitting, or dry-rotting, you need to change the O-ring.

Pool specialists recommend sealing the O-ring with Teflon based lubricant or plumber’s tape to reduce chances of air bubbles.

3. Unions

Whether you have in-ground pools or above ground pools, there are many unions in your plumbing. These unions have threaded connectors to allow you to replace any section of the pipe without having to cut the entire piping.

Like the pump, there is another O-ring inside the union. You have to follow a similar procedure to check the O-ring for any cracks, damage, wear and tear. And don’t forget to replace the O-ring in case of any cracks.

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However, the most critical part here is to ensure the O-ring is placed correctly in its groove when putting back the filter system. It’s essential to have a proper seal so that air does not get into your filter system. And thus you can avoid air bubbles in the future.

You also need to exercise extra caution when checking the unions. Make sure there are no dirt, debris, or obstructions that could prevent the O-ring from seating snuggly in its groove between the valve and the pump. Use Teflon tape or plumber’s tape to secure the O-ring tightly.

If you have tiny air leaks whenever you attach the vacuum hose, you need to replace the section with the leaks. To identify the part of the pipe with the problem, disconnect all the hose sections and seal the ends with duck tape or plugs. Then submerge the sections into the water and watch for any places where the bubbles form. Replace these sections and voila! Your pool will be free from air bubbles in no time.

However, if you’re still experiencing a lot of air bubbles, your pool may have a significant problem like cracks in the underground plumbing. While it is tempting to DIY everything, there’s only so much you can do on your own.

Does Your Pool Have Air Bubbles? Find Professional Pool Maintenance Experts Near You!

It is time to call in a professional pool maintenance company. Atlas Pool Care specializes in pool upkeep and is best equipped to help you identify and fix any major issues. So pick up the phone and call in your friendly neighborhood pool experts at (661) 587-3573 or email us at [email protected].

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