Why Does My Solar Plexus Hurt

The treatment of your solar plexus pain will depend on its underlying cause.

When you first experience solar plexus pain, there are several home remedies that may work to relieve your discomfort. Here are some to try:

  • To treat pain, apply a heating pad to the area, or take a warm bath.
  • If there’s swelling, apply cold packs to the area.
  • Rest and take a break from strenuous activity. Give yourself time to heal.
  • Take ibuprofen (Advil) only if you know that you’ve pulled a muscle and are sure that ulcers or other digestive conditions aren’t involved. Ibuprofen can increase your risk for bleeding ulcers.
  • If you believe an upset stomach is the reason for the pain, eat a bland diet, like the BRAT diet.
  • Take antacids to help reduce stomach acid and soothe an upset stomach.
  • Try breathing exercises. These can also relax the nervous system and soothe anxiety.

If your symptoms persist or if you have an underlying condition, your doctor can provide more treatment options. They’ll first seek to treat the underlying condition, but they may offer solutions for pain management, too. This may include low doses of painkillers for a short period of time while you heal.

If your pain is persistent, your doctor may recommend a celiac plexus block. This is an injection of pain medication in the form of an anesthetic. It can relieve severe abdominal pain by blocking the nerves.

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During this procedure, your doctor will first give you a sedative to relax you. You’ll then lie on your stomach on an X-ray machine. After your doctor numbs your back with a local anesthetic, they’ll use the X-ray to guide a thin needle to the affected area to insert the anesthetic medication. They’ll use dye to ensure that the medication reaches the correct spot.

The effectiveness of a celiac plexus block varies. Some people experience relief for only weeks, while others experience relief for years. Some may also need continued injections to reach the full benefits of this treatment. This can be done in as little as two injections or as many as 10.

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