Why Does My Throat Hurt After Sucking Dick

Sore throat after blow job

A lot of people, especially teenagers, consider oral sex as being “safe” sex. “Safe” sex is defined by many as having sexual satisfaction in a way that reduces the chance of getting pregnant.

However, according to health professionals, “safe sex” is defined as a sexual practice that significantly reduces or prevents the chances of getting infections from a sexual partner.

Medical professionals do not consider oral sex as safe unless there are no precautions to prevent or reduce the transmission of diseases between partners or if the partner is not infected.

Therefore, if done without protection, oral sex is not naturally considered “safe” since most STDs can be transmitted through oral sex.

Keep digging through this post to learn more about STIs, which can be transmitted through oral sex, the type of symptoms to check out for, and what you should do if you experience a sore throat after blow job.

Description of a sore throat.

Sore throat or medically referred to as Pharyngitis, is an inflammatory feeling of the throat or pharynx-this is the place between the voice box and the tonsils. Sore throat is distinguished by swelling, redness, and pain in the throat area. It can cause difficulty in talking and swallowing.

The pharynx or the throat is connected to the nose, mouth, larynx, ears, and esophagus. The pharynx is also situated near the tonsil at the back and the adenoids at the upper nasal portion.

What is a blow job?

It also goes by other titles such as fellatio, “BJ,” oral sex, or “getting down on someone,” blow job is the act of someone putting their partners’ penis in their mouth and goes ahead to suck and lick to give pleasure to the penis.

Blow job, like any other sex act, can be a great way to prepare for wild sexual encounters if done correctly as foreplay. This practice is fun and pleasurable, but unfortunately, there are risks of contracting certain STIs.

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Oral sex is a common practice among sexually active adults. Many studies have shown that around 85% of adults aged 18 to 44 admitted to having had oral sex more than once with their partner.

Can STDs be transmitted through oral sex?

As stated earlier, sexually transmitted infections are not only contracted through vaginal or anal sex. Any skin contact with another person’s genital can transmit STIs to your partner.

Therefore, it means that any oral sex such as a blowjob which uses mouth, tongue, and lips can have similar risks as vaginal and anal sex.

Consequently, if you are experiencing sore throat after a blow job, it may be an alarm of sexually transmitted disease.

There are usually three types of sexually transmitted infections that are always associated with oral sex and have a sore throat as their primary symptom.

Let’s discuss them briefly.

  1. Oral gonorrhea.

One of the common STIs associated with a sore throat and is also transmitted through oral sex is Oral gonorrhea.

This is a sexually transmitted infection that is usually contracted through vaginal, anal, and oral sex. The bacteria are carried in the vaginal fluids and cum (semen). It can infect the penis, vagina, urethra, anus, and throat and cause that sore throat after blow job.

It is also termed as pharyngeal gonorrhea. It is a sexually transmitted infection of the pharynx with a gram-negative round-shaped bacteria named Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

This bacterial infection develops at the pharynx and may be asymptomatic, but can show sore throat symptoms. The affected area may look like strep throat that shows redness occasioned with whitish/yellow discharge.

People who do a lot of fellatio or oral contact with the penis area at high risk of contracting oral gonorrhea than those who do cunnilingus (oral contact with vagina or clitoris).

Male having sex with other males are also at very high risks of developing oral gonorrhea.

Although the body can cure this disease after about a week to three months, not everybody can self-cure, and this can result in another variety called disseminated gonorrhea. Gonorrhea that is spread throughout the body.

Symptoms of oral gonorrhea.

The primary symptom of oral gonorrhea is a sore throat. However, around 90% of those infected may show little or no signs at all. The symptoms are the same in both men and women. They mostly occur a few days after having oral contact with the partner’s penis-blowjob.

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Generally, symptoms of oral gonorrhea are either not present or are very mild and are classified differently from vaginal, anal, penile, and eyes or disseminated gonorrhea.

How is oral gonorrhea prevented?

Though prevention of oral gonorrhea is not easy, avoiding contact with areas where there is the presence of bacteria such as vaginal or seminal discharges or mucus membrane is a sure way of prevention.

Although condoms are not 100% effective, it can offer significant protection against such secretions. Using condoms during oral sex is not to allow the mouth to contact these bacteria carrying secretions but only with the condom material.

The best thing to do if you experience a sore throat after blow job is to contact your medical provider immediately because you may be developing oral gonorrhea. Don’t hesitate to ask for help from professional sources because the information can help you and your partner.

  1. Chlamydia.

Chlamydia is a bacterial, sexually transmitted infection. It is the most common infection in America across all age groups. It is caused by a bacteria known as chlamydia trachomatis.

This infection can be contracted through oral sex. Still, it is very likely to be transferred through vaginal and anal sex.

And like oral gonorrhea, throat chlamydia is prone to people who perform a lot of fellatio. It is more common for women and men having sex with men.

Though it does not affect your genitals, throat chlamydia can result in a lifelong health problem if not treated. It is essential to seek immediate medical attention if you suspect you could have exposed yourself to the risks of getting throat chlamydia.

Symptoms related to throat chlamydia.

Mostly, chlamydia affecting the throat does not cause any symptoms. However, when symptoms show up, the potential signs may include sore throat, a cough, and sometimes fever.

These symptoms are similar in both men and women; however, they are classified differently from other types of chlamydia contracted through penetrative sex.

The symptoms may sometimes differ depending on the place of infection. For example, gender-related chlamydia symptoms may include:

  • In men, feeling of pain in the testicle.
  • In women, this disease can cause a condition known as a pelvic inflammatory disease.

If you think you might have throat chlamydia, it is advisable to get tested even if there are no symptoms. You can as well reduce the risks of contracting chlamydia by doing the following:

  • Avoid engaging in a blow job with someone infected.
  • Using protection every time you have sex. Condoms have proven to prevent the risk of infection if used correctly. This is true for both male and female condoms.
  1. Syphilis.
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Though not as common as other STIs in the United States of America, syphilis is a bacterial STI transmitted through oral, vaginal, and anal sex.

It affects the genitals, mouth, lips, rectum, and anus. If left untreated, it can spread to destroy other body parts, including the nervous system and blood vessels.

Syphilis produces symptoms in stages. The first stage shows a painless sore or chancre on the rectum, genitals, mouth, or throat. This sore will disappear on its own even without treatment.

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The second stage features swollen lymph nodes, skin rashes, and fever. There is a dormant stage of syphilis, which can last for years and shows no symptoms or signs.

The third stage is severe and can affect the brain, eyes, nerves, heart, liver, bones, and other body organs.

Syphilis can be treated with the correct antibiotics. If not treated, it remains in the body. It can result in serious long term health problems such as the organs mentioned above destruction and excellent neurological outcomes.

What you should do if you experience a sore throat after blow job.

Sore throats caused by viral infections do not require treatment and generally last for five to seven days. But if your sore throat is caused by bacteria, see a doctor to prescribe medication accordingly.

To relieve the pain, you can turn to acetaminophen or other mild pain killers. Despite the cause of your sore throat, some home-based remedies can help ease the pains related to a sore throat.

  1. Drink lots of fluids-fluids keeps the throat moist and hydrated. Do not use caffeine or alcohol because they can dehydrate your body.
  2. Try soft foods and drinks- broth, caffeine-free tea, or water with honey can soothe a sore throat.
  3. Gargle salt water- a saltwater gargle of ¼ or ½ of a teaspoon of table salt can reduce sore throat’s mild pains.
  4. Do regular STD testing to have a clear knowledge of what the infection might be.


Even though STI s are commonly transmitted through sexual encounters, it is still possible to contract them via oral sex.

Use a condom and other barrier methods regularly and correctly to prevent and reduce transmission.

It is advisable to do regular STD testing if you are sexually active. The earlier you know your status, the better and the earlier you can be treated.

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