Why Does My Toe Nail Smell

Toenail fungus can cause strong odors, but also many other complications when not treated correctly. Our podiatrist, Adam Mucinskas, D.P.M., will help to treat and remove this condition from your toenails at Feet First Foot Care Specialists, LLC, located in Cromwell, CT. Please call our offices at (860) 632-5499. Our Patient Education should also be looked at for further helpful information.

Toenail Fungus flourishes underneath toenails, which makes it more difficult to treat than many other foot and ankle conditions. This condition happens because the area under the toenail is frequently moist and warm. The fungus that attacks the toenails emits an unpleasant odor and turns them yellowish. This fungus can occur from an unhygienic pedicure, from the use of public showers or from walking barefoot around pools open to the public. Damage is seen as collapsing and brittleness of the nail as well as odor emitted from the toenail. If this condition is not treated timely, it can extend to other nails nearby.

Treatments may include soaking the infected toenails in warm salt water. Do not cut the nail if it’s infected. Otherwise, try not to cut them too deep. It is also helpful to wear shoes that are cleaned frequently and to change socks two to three times a day to prevent fungus from building up within them. Using antibiotic cream to destroy the infection at its originating location on the toe is especially helpful so that it does not come back again. A medical professional can also perform surgical procedures if the above methods are not helpful. The surgery includes raising the infected portion of the nail and applying oral antibiotics directly to the infected nail bed underneath. Non-invasive methods are also useful to treat this condition. Such methods are the use of laser treatment that can penetrate the nail and destroy the fungus underneath, without having to raise it.

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Toenail fungus can cause more complications than just unpleasant odors. We therefore recommend that you contact us as soon as possible after discovering that your toenails are inflicted with this condition so that we can provide the necessary services that best suit your fungal infection.

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