Why Does Stretching Feel So Good

Why Does Stretching Feel Good?

We all know stretching feels good, especially when we’re actively participating in iy. In this post, we’ll be discovering why stretching feels so good, some of the benefits of stretching, and why you should try to incorporate stretching into our daily life. Enjoy!

So, Why Does Stretching Feel So Good?

So you want the answer to the age old question of “why does stretching feel good”? Let’s explore some of the standard reasons as to why, down below:

Improved Circulation

When you stretch, you allow the specified areas of your body you’re stretching to receive further circulation and blood flow. This in turn allows greater levels of oxygen to reach the areas you’re stretching and subsequently allows your body to circulate and remove metabolic waste products over time. Circulation is also necessary to ensure your body parts are optimally functioning. Without proper circulation, you run the risk of encountering muscle apathy, infection, and a whole host of other issues you’ll certainly want to avoid.

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Parasympathetic Activation

Stretching has been shown to activate your parasympathetic nervous system. When this system is activated, it can result in a feeling of calmness and relaxation. This system also helps with assisting proper digestion and resting functions.

Endorphin Release

We all know about endorphins as a reward system during exercise. What about when we’re stretching? Yes, endorphins are being released when we’re stretching as well. Endorphins are generally recognized as the body’s natural reward system and help us with completing tasks we need to survive as human beings.

Physical Benefits of Stretching

Now that we’ve covered some of the inner-body benefits of stretching, let’s explore the truly physical benefits of stretching.

Increase in Flexibility

Stretching allows our bodies to be much more flexible than had we not chosen to participate in the activity.

Better Circulation

Again, when the body’s circulation its blood through more efficient means; you’ll notice a benefit to your overall health. Stretching helps with this process and can provide you with improved blood vessel function and may lower your blood pressure.

Reduction in Stress

We all know yoga is a great stress reduction tool. Yoga is a form of advanced stretching techniques. Even basic stretches have been shown to help with stress reduction. Any small amount of stretching is better than none! So try it out for yourself!

Better Performance When Participating in Sports

Static and dynamic stretching may help prevent injuries from occurring when you’re participating in a youth sport of choice. Stretching may also help increase your overall performance in terms of endurance, stamina, speed, and flexibility.

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Improved Posture

Stretching can help improve your posture in some cases, as it allows your muscle tightness and tension to be reduced over time. When you pair good stretching techniques with core strengthening exercises, you may find your posture improving over time.

Methods to Stretch Safely

•Avoid stretching cold: Do some jumping jacks, or take a quick run around the block to get your blood flowing. From there, begin your stretching routine.

•Stretch gently: Don’t push yourself past your own limits. Only stretch when it feels good. If it hurts, you’re going too far. You know your body best, treat it right, and you’ll see great results.

•Make stretching a habit: Aim to stretch every morning. If this isn’t’; feasible, try to stretch at least three times per week.

•Always stretch both sides equally: To avoid imbalances with your stretching process, make sure to stretch both sides equally to see equal results on both sides of your body.

•Avoid bouncing your muscles: Yes, you may have seen this technique on some TV show, but you’ll want to avoid it as it may cause unnecessary tightness to develop in your muscles.

Contact Us at Neurosurgery & Spine Consultants

If you’re seeking out ways to improve your posture, improve your flexibility, or even improve your overall lifestyle; you’ll want to contact us using the form below. We’ll be sure to have you seen by one of our excellent physical therapists to address any and all concerns you may have. We look forward to hearing from you soon and welcoming you to Neurosurgery & Spine Consultants!

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DISCLAIMER: No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.

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