Why Does The Hpv Vaccine Hurt So Much

The HPV vaccine is a great way to take charge of your sexual health. This vaccine helps to prevent different forms of the HPV virus, which can sometimes lead to cervical cancer. It’s a quick and easy way to stay healthy. However, the vaccination sometimes comes with a bit of pain at the injection site. Luckily though, there are ways to handle this. Read on to learn how you can manage- and even prevent- HPV vaccine pain.

What to Expect

The HPV vaccine is generally recommended for 11-12 year olds, though people can get the vaccine between the ages of 9 and 26. It’s given in two or three doses through the arm. The vaccine is administered just like any other shot at the doctor’s office. However, some patients do report a little extra pain at the injection site with this one.

Preventing Pain

We know that shots can be scary. However, it’s best to try and relax during your injection. If you are nervous, then you are more likely to tense your muscles, which can lead to more pain. You can also ask your doctor if an over-the-counter pain medication or topical numbing cream can help to dull the pain.

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After Your Injection

The most common side effect of the HPV vaccine is mild pain or redness at the injection site. Using pain relievers and a cold compress can help to relax the pain. You should also try to keep using your arm just like normal. While it might not seem like a good idea, moving the arm will increase circulation, which can help to reduce your pain.

Some patients also experience a mild fever after their HPV shot. This is common with lots of different vaccines. Get plenty of rest and fluids after your injection. If your fever does not improve in a day or two, then give your doctor a call.

Talk to Your Doctor

Still worried about HPV vaccine pain? Talk to a medical professional. They can answer any specific questions you might have. They can also help provide reassurance. While some patients get HPV vaccine pain, it’s usually very mild. Many patients don’t experience pain at all. It’s no reason to be afraid of the vaccine, or to choose not to get it.

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