Why Does The Summary Need To Be Revised

What is the Importance of Revision?

As we approach the exam season students thoughts should turn to revision. What is revision and what is the importance of revision? According to the Collins English dictionary revision means ‘to read things again’. This implies that you have read and understood your study material at least once prior to starting revision. So if you haven’t you need to get a move on ’cause time is running out!

The importance of revision is twofold. Firstly, it helps you to remember facts, figures,topics and methodologies that you have covered some time ago. Secondly, If done correctly it will help increase your confidence and reduce anxiety – you will be well prepared for your examination.

So How Should I revise?

Begin by organising your work space and your study material. If possible separate the area you intend to use for study from that in which you relax. Try to keep your ‘entertainment gadgets’ out of sight when you are studying.

Make a revision plan, include all the subjects and areas covered by your upcoming exams. Make sure that your plan is realistic. Give yourself enough time to revise properly as well as breaks for relaxation. The revision plan needs to be flexible enough to allow for some things taking longer than expected.

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Revise subjects and topics that make you feel anxious earlier on in the revision plan. This will help reduce anxiety because you will feel that you have more time to deal with them. You don’t need to tackle the difficult areas first. Revising subjects you know well will boost your confidence – but don’t put off the difficult areas until the last minute.

Make Notes

Active revision is far for effective than passive. So make notes as you revise. Make further summaries of the notes. They act as very useful prompts for your memory. Review these notes and summaries regularly. Read them out loud and test yourself on each area you cover.

Make use of past exam papers. Get used to the type and style of questions asked. Practice answering the questions previously asked.

Look After Yourself

Revision is hard work. Make sure that you get enough sleep and take time off to be with your friends and exercise a little. Rest, relaxation and making sure you stay fit and well are very important elements of the revision programme. Don’t revise into the early hours of the morning. You might feel that you are dedicated and working hard but ‘overdoing’ it is counter productive. You will perform much better after a good night’s sleep.

Coping with Exam Anxiety

Anxiety about your up coming exams is perfectly normal. Everybody suffers from it to some extent. Anxiety about examinations stems from a fear of the unknown. What questions will be asked? Will I be able to answer them? Have I done enough work to pass? Will I get a good enough grade? I think I’m going to fail !

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Put all these thoughts behind you, because that is all they are – just thoughts – concentrate on the here and now. Work out your revision plan. Start your revision. Work to your timetable methodically. You will begin to realise how much you already know. How you can answer previous exam questions and answer them well. How areas that you perhaps found more difficult are falling into place because you are giving yourself time to understand and learn. As you move through your revision plan your anxiety will lessen because you are in charge. You are controlling the situation rather than the situation controlling you. Your confidence will grow and believe it or not, if you are diligent and follow your plan you might even look forward to the tests ahead ! This shows the importance of revision – it helps reduce exam anxiety.

How Can I Get Help?

You can talk to Genie Tutors.

Genie Tutors has five Tuition Centres in the Birmingham area. The centres are located in Harborne, Edgbaston, Kings Heath, Nechells and Sutton Coldfield. Each centre offers after school tuition and exam revision support in Maths and English up to year 12.

All Genie Tutors Birmingham centres are staffed by qualified teachers. They are experts in their field and selected on their ability to motivate and inspire confidence in their students – key factors in helping develop a thirst for learning and developing potential.Or you can FAST track your revision with The Boost Method.

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