Why Does Ups Suck

I’m angry.

UPS is the worst and their customer service is atrocious. I am BEYOND livid and have been for the past 2 hours. So lemme explain why.

First of all, two weeks ago, I was expecting a package and realized I should have gotten it. I go check the tracking number and it says it was delivered to my front door. Ummm… the lie detector showed… THAT WAS A LIE. I get packages delivered all the time and it’s never to my front door because I live in an apartment building. They get left in the lobby, typically. And I never received that package. There were other packages in the lobby that day and none were mine. I called them and they started some investigation that I HAVE STILL NOT HEARD FROM THEM ABOUT. It’s been almost 2 weeks. O__O

Then I ordered a couple of more things online and this time, I went to UPS.com and entered their tracking numbers so I can get notifications on the packages sent to my inbox. Yesterday, I get one that says they tried to deliver my package and my name isn’t listed on my apartment building directory. Wells, it’s because my first name and last name are switched on the buzzer. I called UPS to let them know this AND to tell them to make note of the buzzer number they should press. AND I went downstairs and left a note by the buzzer. I was assured it’d be noted and they’ll re-deliver.

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And then today, I get ANOTHER notification about a package I’m supposed to be getting delivered with the same thing. So I called UPS AGAIN and the lady says she understands my frustration and it should have definitely been fixed. She has a lady from the Chicago UPS call me and her name is Desiree. Desiree fixes her mouth to tell me the driver is 4 blocks away and I can go to him to get my package.

Ma’am WUT???

You want ME to go to the driver to get the package I PAID TO GET DELIVERED??? No MA’AM. I let her know that is NOT happening. She tells me that I can have it re-delivered for a charge (girl you don lost your mind) and I tell her that’s crap and I’m fully expecting it to be rectified. He needs to come to ME. What kinda foolishness are you spewing?

She calls me back to say the driver will be there in 5 minutes so I take my unhappy ass downstairs to wait. He pulls up and hops down with the world’s biggest attitude and I’m like “You ignored my note and all my instructions.” He’s huffing and puffing talmbout “SHOW ME YOUR NAME ON BUZZER!” while dragging on a cigarette and looking angry. I show him the note and he’s like “You just put that shit there. That wasn’t there this morning.”

This is when I went off and started cussing for real. HOW THE HELL YOU GOT THE NERVE TO TELL ME I JUST PUT THAT NOTE THERE??? And ALSO WHO THE HELL ARE YOU CUSSING AT? You aggravated son of a bitch! I don’t care that you hate your job and your poo-colored uniform. That’s a personal problem I ain’t got nothing to do with! Maybe I’ll be ornery too if I had to look like a walking turd. (-__-)

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I snatched my package from him and show him the buzzer and the idiot snatches the package back to scan it. And then tosses it back at me. And we certainly exchanged a few more words and none of them were nice. I was FUMING.

And then Desiree calls me back to tell me next time, I need to make sure my name is on the buzzer correctly. NAWL, MA’AM! You need to make sure your rude driver isn’t cussing at customers. I’m PISSED.

UPS, IS THIS WHAT YOU ACCEPT FROM YOUR EMPLOYEES? Y’all lost my package first and then you’re doing everything in my power not to deliver my other packages THAT I PAID FOR.

I have NEVER experienced this and I’ve been here for over a year. I get hella packages delivered to me with no problem. 1. I’m a blogger and 2. I’m a shopaholic. HELLA packages! But all of a sudden my name ain’t on the buzzer?

I’m expecting four more packages and if I don’t get them or they’re damaged when I receive them, I might need to send some things UP. I EXPECT MY PACKAGES INTACT, UPS!

And I’m looking to file a formal complaint against whoever this driver is. These folks don ruined my day. Classless wonders and belligerent dummies. I’ve been cussing at random intervals for the past 3 hours. UGH.

All these caps in my post. You know I’m mad. I hate UPS with the intensity of 1,000 African suns at high noon in the desert. UPS is the Iota of delivery services. *kicks every trashcan in my house*

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I’m totally gonna be asking stores I order with if they have options besides UPS henceforth. I need to avoid their service at all costs. Hey FedEx!

Have y’all had to deal with UPS’ incompetence?

Edit: They just sent me another notification for failed delivery. AND NOW I WANNA SEND SOME SHIT UP! THREE failed deliveries in 24 hours??? Ignore the hell outta the FIVE previous phonecalls I’ve made to you? Oh. NO. MA’AM.

UPS saw me going clean AWF on Twitter and their social media rep has called me and swore to fix this madness. If they don’t, I SWEATERGAWD I’ma show up at their office tomorrow in capri sweatpants, mismatched socks and a schmedium shirt WITH my night scarf to show color. UGH! *fights the air*

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