Why Does Weed Make You Poop

However, don’t think that this relaxing effect on the body is all fine and dandy, because there are a couple of side-effects and cases you should keep an eye for, and it has to do again with how your body process weed and effects your motility (i.e. pooping) system.

And this is because CBD, the other magical ingredient in weed, has been used to treat patients with gastro-intestinal issues, like Crohn’s Disease, and consuming cannabis can provoke diarrhea in some users. Yeah, weed can make you poop too much sometimes.

And this is not entirely harmless; it’s becoming more and more common for cannabis enjoyers to get what’s known as “Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome”, which causes strong nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and, yes, diarrhea in users that use very strong variants of cannabis a little too often, for long periods of time.

There’s even a slang for these symptoms, “scromiting”, and if you or any of your pals suffered any of these after enjoying a joint, you might want to see a doctor, as this condition can worsen over time. So be careful, mix your weed consumption with lighter stuff from time to time, and always seek counseling if you feel something is not normal. As the blog “Marijuana Doctors” puts it:

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People who develop gastrointestinal reactions to cannabis can make a few changes if they feel like pot is making them poop too much. One of the best steps is to reduce the potency of the medical cannabis products that you are using. That may mean gearing down from concentrates to a lower potency THC product.

Another suggestion may be to try strains of cannabis that have low cannabidiol content. Since CBD has been proven to increase motility (make you poop), then steer clear of cannabis strains that have a high CBD content.

So there you have it, just take it easy, go for strains that have lower contents of CBD and THC and please, go to the doctor if your pooping is starting to get out of control. It may sound like a joke, but being on the lookout for weird side effects is just good weed discipline, and can help you enjoy your chilling sessions for longer by just having some responsibility with your consumption.

But in any case, not only is it a good idea to have a bathroom close by when you decide to enjoy a nice joint, but also remember to bring with you the best tools available when preparing your weed just as you like it. Like a grinder that will save all the best benefits of cannabis, keep it fresh and easy to roll. Try it!

Author: Shaggy

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