Why Doesnt My Mom Love Me

Are you feeling unloved and neglected by your mom? Do you feel like she cares more about how the house looks than how you are doing? You may feel like your mom just doesn’t love you anymore. If you’re wondering how to tell if your mom doesn’t love you, here are 13 signs to look for.

13 Signs Your Mom Doesn’t Love You

  • She downplays your achievements
  • She never expresses pride in you
  • You avoid expressing yourself to your mom
  • She tries to make all decisions for you
  • She openly rejects you in front of others
  • Your mom is angry all the time
  • She has apathy towards you and your future
  • Your mom constantly chooses your sibling over you
  • She never shows affection
  • She neglects your physical and emotional needs
  • You feel that nothing you do is good enough
  • She never makes time for you
  • She forgets important celebrations

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Why doesn’t my mom love me?

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The truth is that most moms do love their kids. The problem is usually that they lack parenting skills. To be clear: parenting skills are learned. Your mom wasn’t born with them. Most parents learn through trial and error, and some of them just never get the hang of it.

Parents can significantly shorten the learning curve by taking parenting courses, consulting a parenting coach, or joining a parenting community.

What causes a mom to detach from a child?

There are some situations where moms feel detached from their children. It could be caused by a personality disorder (like narcissism) or other mental illness. She could be struggling to express herself or have difficulty feeling any type of attachment because of a trauma she experienced. Or, you might just be two very different people who don’t see eye to eye. It’s important to know that if your mom does feel detached from you, it has nothing to do with you.

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What can you do if your mom doesn’t love you?

If you truly feel that your mother doesn’t love you, you need to talk about it. It would be great if you could express yourself to her. But you might need to consult a professional. There’s no shame in getting help when dealing with big feelings.

The Bottom Line

You’re here because you’re wondering how to tell if your mom doesn’t love you. The truth is there’s no one size fits all answer here. Use these signs to assess your relationship, and then get help! If you can repair your relationship, it will help you in the long run. Studies show kids who come from tight knit families do better in their academics and careers. So put in the effort if possible!

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