HomeWHYWhy Fiberglass Windows Are Not Popular

Why Fiberglass Windows Are Not Popular

5 Cons of Fiberglass Windows

1. Exterior water leakages

Fiberglass windows leave space at the horizontal and vertical edges of the window panels. Because of this, some people may experience water leakages through these windows during rainy seasons.

Fiberglass windows experience more leakage problems because window frames don’t have weep holes. Therefore, water will keep accumulating on the windows.

With this being said, fiberglass windows may not be the best choice for many homeowners who live in moist, wet environments.

The way to prevent this is to ensure sealants are done on the frames of the windows to fill the spaces left behind when fitting windows.

2. Not as readily available as other window materials

If you look for wooden or metal windows you will easily find them on the market. That’s not the case for Fiberglass windows.

One of the common fiberglass window problems is that you will need to wait longer to get your windows supplied to you. Fiberglass windows are in less demand, so they typically take a bit more time to ship. This is the primary reason why fiberglass windows are not popular compared to other materials such as vinyl windows or wood windows.

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To learn more about where you can find fiberglass windows, check out our post about some frequently asked questions about fiberglass windows.

3. Fiberglass is more expensive than other window materials

Initially, fiberglass windows will come out to be notably more expensive than other materials such as vinyl and even wood windows. Especially when replacing several windows, the additional cost can start to add up quickly. Although fiberglass windows tend to even out the cost by being energy-efficient and long-lasting, they may not be the best option for people looking for a more affordable overall project.

4. Fiberglass is vulnerable to ultraviolet (UV) ray damage

Although fiberglass windows outlast other windows, they don’t hold up so well to direct rays of sunlight. Some exposure to UV rays could lead to fading and warping of your fiberglass windows.

So what can you do to help protect your fiberglass windows from ultraviolet light? To start, you can ensure that you confirm with your manufacturer that your windows are powder-coated to withstand intense UV rays. This way you will avoid the cost of having to paint them later on, to camouflage any fading.

5. Color options are slim

When it comes to fiberglass windows, the color options can be rather limited. This is because fiberglass windows are typically tinted rather than painted. They are also especially susceptible to fading. It’s also worth noting that fiberglass windows should not be painted over when it’s time to touch them up when they start fading.

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