Why Fridge Is Freezing My Food

You’ve Set the Thermostat Too High

The thermostat on your refrigerator is easy to move and can be accidentally turned up when you’re loading in groceries or moving items out of the refrigerator. You may have intentionally turned up the thermostat if you felt the refrigerator wasn’t quite cool enough. Most refrigerators have a mark on the thermostat adjustment knob, but over time this gets erased. This means that there is no longer a way to accurately measure the indicating temperature. So, you may have set the thermostat way higher than you intended, not only causing everything to become frozen, but also creating higher energy use and bigger bills.

You Have a Bad Gasket

The gasket is a lining for the refrigerator door, creating a seal for the compartment, preventing heat being exchanged between the room and the inside of the refrigerator. If a gasket has become damaged and is leaking, your refrigerator will be continuously running to compensate, and this will cause everything inside to start to freeze. There is an easy way to test if you have a bad gasket; trap a piece of paper in the door and then try and pull it out without opening the door. If the paper easily slides out or won’t hold in place, you have a bad gasket that needs to be replaced.

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Your Coils are Dirty

The heat exchanger and condenser coils are mounted on the outside of your refrigerator in addition to the evaporator coils inside the unit. These coils are needed to allow the refrigerant fluid to perform its task of heat exchange. When these coils get covered in dust or other forms of dirt, it forces the refrigerator to work harder and harder to sustain the optimum temperature. Unfortunately, this can sometimes lead to overcooling and the effects of winter inside your refrigerator. The coils are fairly simple to clean; you will find instructions in your owner’s manual, and it is a good idea to clean them regularly to avoid future problems.

You Have a Faulty Thermostat

Thermostats are designed to trigger cooling as necessary. In a refrigerator, it should stop functioning automatically as soon as the set temperature is achieved. This is essential to maintain the desired and fixed temperature. When your thermostat develops a fault, it may fail to switch off causing it to continually run.

Damper Problems

If you have a fridge freezer, you may be familiar with a damper. This is basically the assembly needed to regulate the amounts of cooled air entering the refrigerator from the freezer. If the damper is malfunctioning, it can create excess air that flows into the refrigerator compartment, causing a gradual decrease in temperature. If you suspect you may have damper problems, you’ll need the expertise of an experienced appliance repair specialist.

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If you’re having issues with your refrigerator, a professional home appliance repair specialist can offer effective and long lasting solutions. For assistance will all your refrigerator repair needs, be sure to speak to a professional home appliance repair service.

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