Why Havent I Heard From You

A great song can be timeless. It can also be a time capsule.

Take Reba McEntire’s 1994 hit “Why Haven’t I Heard From You,” for example. On it, the Country Music Hall of Famer wonders aloud why a love interest hasn’t called. He has no excuse because telephones are everywhere.

“Now there’s one on every corner, in the back of every bar,” she sings.

“You can get one in your briefcase, on a plane or in your car.”

Ah, simpler times. Luckily, the song’s feisty sentiment and bluesy soul hasn’t aged a day. Sandy Knox, who co-wrote “Heard From You” with T. W. Hale, shared the Story Behind the Song with Bart Herbison of Nashville Songwriters Association International.

Bart Herbison: You created a lot of success for Reba. Do y’all know each other? (This song) and “Does He Love You” came at a time in Reba’s career. I’m not sure we’re saying “Reba” as the one-word iconic name without those songs.

Sandy Knox, left, talks to Bart Herbison about songwriting

Sandy Knox: Oh, interesting. I had four cuts on Reba. Three were singles, right in a row. That was a rarity. This was we’re talking about ’92, ’93, ’94. Because she cut “He Wants To Get Married,” then “Does He Love You,” then “Why Haven’t I Heard From You” and then “She Thinks His Name Was John.”

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But back to “Why Haven’t I Heard From You.” I’m a big reader. And I believe that if you’re going to be a writer, you’d better be a reader too. That’s important. And I loved to devour certain magazines: Smithsonian (Magazine), National Geographic, etc. And that song was born out of an article in September of 1988. National Geographic did, I believe, an entire issue on the contributions of Alexander Graham Bell.

It got me to start thinking (about) how much the invention of the telephone had completely changed how people romanced each other, courting. Before the telephone, if somebody wanted to call on somebody, they literally had to drop off their calling card, which was the precursor to business cards. And say, “I would like to call on you at Friday at six o’clock,” The telephone changed that…and then I started thinking about the trajectory. People could call from their cars, from the corner, from an airplane. So that is where that idea (came from): there’s no excuse not to hear from anyone.

BH: So you take this into a writing appointment with T.W. Hale. Do you remember that day?

SK: “T Dub” and I used to meet at ASCAP. I just told him about the idea. I said, “I think it should be kind of a fun up-tempo shuffle.” And I like writing with co-writers who are really good at their instrument. T Dub’s instrument is guitar. So we started from there. I already had some of the lyrics written. I kind of knew the storyline and everything, but T Dub and I worked really well together. It was a pretty quick write, I believe. I also like writing the (background vocals). I like to incorporate those in the songs I write.

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BH: Now, let’s move into the video. I also have a theory about that. Reba became a legitimate actress, she really did, and the first time I ever noticed it was in that video. Go back and check some of her facial expressions. And I have to say, Sandy, if I didn’t know better, I would have said, “Did y’all write this to the video script?” But the video script followed what y’all wrote. I mean, you wrote Reba’s first mini-movie, in my opinion and love that video,.

SK: Well, that was the one she was in the beauty parlor — or the hair salon. I date myself when I say “beauty parlor.”

BH: I watched it again this morning. I was dancing around the room, Sandy Knox. People need to go watch that. And it holds up today, all these years later.

SK: Other than the fact that there aren’t phone booths (anymore). There’s the line, “There’s one on every corner, in the back of every bar.” Everybody’s on their own phone now. That’s the only thing. I try not to timestamp songs in lyrics. But anyways, that was a very fun video. But you know, they never talked to us. When they do the video, they should come to the writers and say, “Tell us where you got that idea, where it came from, So that we can maybe follow that in the video.” But I mean, all of Reba’s videos, like you said, are mini-movies. They’re fantastic, and she does a great job.

Story Behind the Song: Reba McEntire's 'Why Haven't I Heard from You'

BH: ..she could act, and that’s where I first saw it. So I’m also saying Reba owes her acting career to you.

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SK: (Laughs) I don’t …

BH: Stick with my version of the story (laughs). I like it better. What about this, Sandy?

SK: I don’t know about that. But you asked earlier if she and I were friends. Yes, we are friends. In fact, she came over for dinner in October (of last year). And so I see her every once in a great while. She’s pretty busy. But I do see her.

… She’s easy to be with. She’s funny. She has a great sense of humor. She will make fun of herself. She’s been wonderful to me.

About the series

In partnership with Nashville Songwriters Association International, the “Story Behind the Song” video interview series features Nashville-connected songwriters discussing one of their compositions. For full video interviews with all of our subjects, visit www.tennessean.com/music.

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