HomeWHYWhy I Deserve This Scholarship Essay

Why I Deserve This Scholarship Essay

Most scholarships require the applicants to write an essay explaining why they should be awarded the scholarship or “why am I deserving of a scholarship”.


So, how should you write an essay explaining “why should we give you this scholarship” or why you should be awarded the scholarship?

To answer the question of “why are you applying for this scholarship” adequately, you should tell the scholarship committee all the strengths that make you a good fit for the scholarship. Some of the things that you can say include being hardworking, a good leader, a team player, and persistent.

However, simply saying those things is not enough as the reason for applying for a scholarship. You should draw examples from your own life to illustrate those strengths. You can do this by describing any academic achievements, community service activities, examples of leadership, or other personal characteristics that make you deserving of the scholarship that you are applying for. Please note that simply saying that you are hardworking because you got some good grades through hard work is not enough.

Below is a sample essay on “why should you be selected for a scholarship?” or “why am I deserving of a scholarship”.

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Why I Deserve This Scholarship Essay Sample

I believe I deserve to be selected for one of your program’s scholarships because I am a hard-working student and I will commit myself to effectively take advantage of the opportunity that the scholarships will provide me. Besides this, I constantly try to improve my community by doing volunteer work.

I believe that a good education is the key to success, and I try to connect my passion for education with my desire of helping others. As a result, I joined a non-governmental community organization that teaches English and basic legal knowledge to immigrants workers in order to help them settle in the country. We are also in the process of establishing more community organizations in order to improve access to the service to more immigrant workers.

As a board member of the organization, my responsibilities consist of planning and organizing educational discussions about immigration at conferences and high schools, doing research about scholarships opportunities for immigrants, updating a scholarship list on the organization’s website, and translating resource guide into other languages to make it easy for the immigrants to read them. I believe that even immigrants and their children have the right to education and should know their basic rights to ensure that they are treated fairly by their employers, members of the society, immigration officers, and the police.

Apart from this, I have taken part in a number of leadership roles in the community. From 2009-2010, I was a programming intern for a leadership program at the local university where I was in charge of organizing and planning social events for student participants. In addition, I was the Student Government Vice President at my community college where I organized social, cultural, and community service events for the campus, and led group discussions about social justice as a project facilitator for an anti-discrimination club. Prior to this, I was the Community Service Chairperson for the Student Government, where I was in charge of organizing community service activities for the campus including blood donation drives and a monthly cleanup of local neighborhood streets.

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I share the same dreams and aspirations as your organization: giving people with less privilege the right to education. Therefore, awarding me the scholarship will help me to get the education necessary to improve the lives of the people that I work for every day in my community-based group as well as in my field of public health.


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