Why I Hate Crossfit

Bodybuilding is incredibly difficult. So is CrossFit. In that, they are similar. In how they are difficult, there is some variance.

Just like how eating 14 wedding cakes in an hour is difficult in a different way than cooking 14 wedding cakes in an hour. Similar, but different.

Building your body to look like Adonis (or, if you don’t know who Adonis is, Mr. T in The A Team) takes a lot of work. Like, hours upon hours EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

For a bodybuilder, each exercise can seemingly take forever, and with good reason.

Every rep has to burn. They slowly go through their bicep curl with perfect form, fully focused on straining the muscle they are working to the absolute limit.

It is not enough just to go through the exercise; perfect form is everything.

With that mindset firmly lodged in our brains, we can understand why something like a Kipping Pullup looks so wrong in the eyes of a bodybuilder.

It is not a perfect, strict form of a pullup. Lots of the movements that CrossFitters do are subpar in their minds.

CrossFitters are not as focused on perfect form as our bodybuilding brethren, this is true, but the lie that “CrossFit does not teach form” just isn’t true.

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One of the biggest focus’ before any self-respecting WOD should be the form of the participants in the exercise taking place.

CrossFitters should only lift as heavy of a weight as they can with proper form. Once it starts slipping, the weight needs to go down.

Another issue between CrossFitters and bodybuilders is that they workout with different goals in mind. Bodybuilders chase physical perfection.

They want each muscle to glisten in the sun, perfectly shaped and amply filled.

Each muscle should be able to hold up the sky and gain sentience of its own, or at the very least be able to lift heavy weights and put them back down again.

CrossFitters’ goals tend to be for more functional strength. They want to be strong and ripped, yes, but also able to run fast and jump high.

This ties back to the ‘sport’ aspect again.

A functional muscle with a full range of motion is of the utmost importance, whereas professional bodybuilders tend to get so strong and large that they struggle to do simple things like put on a coat and fit into average-sized cars.

Neither of these goals are inherently better than the other. They are just different.

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