Why Is 777 The Number Of God

The number 777 is sometimes known as “God’s number” because it symbolizes significant biblical concepts. Multiples of seven show up throughout the Bible in ways that connect God’s work with fullness, completion, and perfection. Here’s the 777 meaning in the Bible, and how that can inspire us to live with faith.

What Does 777 Mean in the Bible?

When the number 7 is repeated 3 times as the number 777, it means the perfection of the Trinity (God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit), according to the number’s use in Hebrew tradition. The biblical meaning of 777 encompasses both the threefold expression of a perfectly holy God and the full completion symbolized by the number seven. So, 777 signifies God working to completely fulfill good purposes, and doing that work with absolute perfection.

Where Is 777 Mentioned in the Bible?

The only time that the Bible specifically mentions 777 directly is in a verse about Noah’s father Lamech: “Altogether, Lamech lived a total of 777 years, and then he died” (Genesis 5:31). That’s more than just a report of one man’s extraordinarily long lifetime. It indicates the completion of one phase of creation on earth before the worldwide flood, which wiped out all human life except for Noah’s family.

Although that’s the only direct biblical reference to 777, the Bible mentions the number seven or multiples of seven more than 700 times – including a few references to the number seven three different times, which tie into the significance of 777. Triple sevens in scripture show something that has been divinely ordained is being perfectly fulfilled.

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Genesis 2:2-3 shows the number seven three times, in its report of what God did after he had completed creating heaven and earth: “By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.” The repetition of seven three times here indicates the perfect fulfillment of God’s creation work.

In Joshua 6:3-4, God commanded the Israelite people to march around the city of Jericho for seven days, and on the seventh day to have seven priests blowing horns seven times. When they did so, Jericho’s walls miraculously fell down, empowering the Israelites to move forward into Jericho as God had called them to do. This passage repeats the number seven three times, showing that the barriers to the fulfillment of God’s plan fell down so that God’s perfect purposes could be fulfilled.

The apostle John describes seven churches and seven spirits before God’s throne in Revelation 1:4, during one of his seven letters to churches. In this passage, the use of a triple seven shows the perfection of God’s Gospel message to his universal church, in which his Spirit is bringing his redemption work to fulfillment.

Revelation 21:4 mentions “one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls full of the seven last plagues”, repeating the number seven three times in this prophecy of earth’s future. The Book of Revelation is the last book of the Bible. It describes various multiples of seven many times to symbolize fullness and completion, and considering the meaning of 777 also highlights the perfection of God’s Word in its totality.

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What Is the Significance of This?

The number 777 highlights the importance of repetition for us to remember God’s messages. God has wired our minds to be able to recall a message especially well when it is repeated. By repeating the number that biblically signifies full completion (the number seven) three times (the number of the perfect Trinity), 777 emphasizes the importance of God’s work being completed in our world. The perfect fulfillment of God’s work, which 777 symbolizes, draws our attention to the fact that we can always learn and grow more by joining God’s work in our world.

In the lifelong learning chapter of my book Wake Up to Wonder, I describe research that reveals how experiencing awe can motivate us to learn and grow. The connections between awe and learning are strong. The number 777’s biblical meaning inspires us to pay attention to the wonder of God’s perfect work. When we do, we’ll feel awe, and that awe can motivate us to learn more and answer God’s call to join him until that work is completely fulfilled. God calls each one of us to use the distinctive talents he has given us to help meet needs in this world. When we reflect on the significance of the 777 meaning in the Bible, we’re challenged to consider how we can learn more and do more with God as he continues his redemptive work toward its perfect fulfillment. We can ask ourselves how much we’re engaging our curiosity, devoting our time and energy to pursue spiritual wisdom, and using our talents to do good work in the world as God leads us.

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We can see the 777 meaning in the Bible as the numerical definition of the complete and perfect fulfillment of God’s work in creation. It points to the perfection of God’s purposes for humanity, and the wonder of how those purposes are being fulfilled. 777 evokes the perfect union that is possible now between the Creator (the holy Trinity) and people in creation who trust the Creator, because of Jesus Christ’s perfect redemption work. 777 shows us the importance of accepting Jesus’ invitation to be in a relationship with him, which saves our souls, helps us learn, and empowers us to join God’s work as it continues toward its fulfillment.

The number 777 inspires us with awe as we ponder how it symbolizes God’s complete, perfect work in our world. That can motivate us to say “yes” to the opportunities God gives us to join him in his work. 777 reminds us that whatever God ordains will eventually happen, and we can help with that process by living with faith. The meaning of 777 assures us that God’s good purposes for humanity will be completely and perfectly fulfilled.

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/4maksym

Whitney Hopler is the author of the Wake Up to Wonder book and the Wake Up to Wonder blog, which help people thrive through experiencing awe. She leads the communications work at George Mason University’s Center for the Advancement of Well-Being. Whitney has served as a writer, editor, and website developer for leading media organizations, including Crosswalk.com, The Salvation Army USA’s national publications, and Dotdash.com (where she produced a popular channel on angels and miracles). She has also written the young adult novel Dream Factory. Connect with Whitney on X/Twitter and on Facebook.

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