Why Is Afterpay Not Working

Dear Valued Partner,

We’re reaching out to advise of an upcoming change to the afterpay.com Cloudflare Digicert Certificate. On January 31st 2024 00:00 AEDT, the afterpay.com Cloudflare edge certificates that use Digicert as their CA will expire without the option to be renewed under the old Digicert CA.

The proposed change will apply to the afterpay.com domain and subdomains.

What does this mean to you? 1) Afterpay merchants have been trusting Cloudflare Digicert (Baltimore Trust Root) as the TLS (Transport Layer Security) CA (Certificate Authority) pinned on their applications for the past few years.

2) Cloudflare have deprecated the use of Digicert (Baltimore Trust Root) as a CA and we will no longer be able to generate or renew edge certificates with that CA from the end of September 2023.

3) All of the current Cloudflare edge certificates that use Digicert as their CA will expire at the end of January 2024 without an option to be renewed under the old Digicert CA.

4) The new recommended CA by Afterpay Security is to be used is GTS (Google Trust services) – https://pki.goog/faq/#faq-27

The Technical Details Afterpay merchants that are trusting the current Digicert CA on their applications, would need to trust the new CAs provided by GTS so that, after the new certificates are generated with the new CA (GST), their application would trust the new certificates and can continue to connect to Afterpay endpoints.

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The updated list of new CA certificates to be added on merchants’ end can be downloaded from here. This file includes multiple CAs which as advertised by Google, may be used randomly to generate a certificate. Therefore, merchants should add and trust all of those CAs.

**Note**: We do not recommend that merchants pin CAs as Google might change the CA that is used by Cloudflare to issue certificates. Cloudflare has the same recommendation for not pinning certificates.

The 2 Root CA Certificates are listed below in both PEM & DER/CRT format:

Link to current Digicert CA – https://www.digicert.com/kb/digicert-root-certificates.htm Link to new GST Cert and here is the document from Google that talks about GTS – https://pki.goog/faq/#faq-27 Link to a guide on how to add/change: Cloudflare document – https://developers.cloudflare.com/ssl/reference/migration-guides/digicert-update/advanced-certificates/

If you have any queries please contact our merchant services team here – https://afterpay.formstack.com/forms/global_merchant_technical_support Thank you for your continued support.

Afterpay Technology Team

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