Why Is Ariana Grande Bald

It must be tough, at times, to be Ariana Grande’s scalp. It’s been through a lot. It does an absolutely champion job of holding all manner of hair extensions, ponytail clip-ins and even glossy pigtails, but it’s fair to assume that level of tension is a lot for any one scalp to take.

That’s why it’s so great to see glimpses of Ari giving her hair the TLC and break it deserves from being absolutely goddamn iconic. From time to time she’s been known to let her hair down on tour. She made the most of early quarantine days to take care of her natural curls – and more recently she’s given fans another glimpse into the hairstyles she opts for when she’s not performing or on set.

Yesterday Ari took to Instagram to share her (glowing) review of new movie In the Heights, and for the occasion she seems to have ditched the hair pieces and stuck to a cute low chignon or ponytail. You can see a snap from the stories below. And, safe to say, she looks chic as heck.

Ari’s been pretty open with fans in the past about her hair and scalp health struggles. Back in 2014 she posted an emotive account to Facebook, sharing why she usually sticks to a sleek ponytail, and it explains a lot:

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“Since people give me such a hard time about my hair I thought I’d take the time to explain the whole situation to everybody. I had to bleach my hair and dye it red every other week for the first 4 years of playing Cat… as one would assume, that completely destroyed my hair. I now wear a wig on Sam & Cat.”

“My real hair is back to brown and I wear extensions but I wear it in a pony tail because my actual hair is so broken that it looks absolutely ratchet and absurd when I let it down. I tried wigs, they looked RIDICULOUS. Tried a weave because I am working on a new project and want to try some different looks and literally wanted to rip my scalp off.””So as annoying as it is for y’all to have to look at the same hair style all the time, it’s all that works for now (AND I’m comfortable for the first time in years)…. And trust me, it’s even more difficult for me to have to wait forever for my natural hair to grow back and to have to wear more fake hair than every drag queen on earth combined. So PLEASE gimme a break about the hair (or just don’t look at me lol). IT’S JUST HAIR AFTER ALL. There are way way way more important things. Love y’all very much.”

I think we can agree she looks completely sensational no matter what she does with her hair, no?

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