Why Is Brazil Not On Fifa 23

Every soccer fan knows the magic that Brazil brings to the pitch. With their electrifying samba-style football and a record five World Cup wins, it’s hard to imagine a FIFA game without the iconic yellow and green. Yet, shockingly, that’s exactly the scenario we find in FIFA 23. So why isn’t Brazil in the game?


  • Brazil, a record five-time World Cup winner, is not featured in FIFA 23.
  • Brazilian football legend Pele expresses his surprise at this omission.
  • Brazil is currently 3rd in the FIFA World Rankings, making their absence all the more puzzling.

A FIFA Without Brazil: The Unthinkable Reality

Fact: Brazil has participated in every FIFA World Cup since its inception in 1930, and they’ve won the prestigious tournament five times, more than any other country. Brazil’s absence in FIFA 23 is thus not only surprising but practically unthinkable.

Unpacking the Absence: The Reason Brazil is Not in FIFA 23

While FIFA 23 has yet to release an official statement on why Brazil isn’t included in the game, speculation among the gaming community is rife.

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Licensing Issues: A Potential Hurdle?

One of the leading theories is that there could be licensing issues at play. EA Sports, the game’s developer, needs to obtain rights from individual football associations to include teams in their games. Perhaps they couldn’t secure the necessary rights for Brazil’s national team in time for the release of FIFA 23.

What’s at Stake: The Impact of Brazil’s Absence

Brazil is currently ranked 3rd in the FIFA World Rankings, making it one of the top teams globally. The absence of such a dominant force from the game could affect game dynamics and the overall playing experience. As Brazilian football legend Pele once said, “It’s impossible to imagine a World Cup without Brazil. It’s like a wedding without the bride.”


The absence of Brazil in FIFA 23 has certainly left a gaping hole in the game. While we can only speculate about the reasons for this exclusion, one thing is clear: FIFA 23 will not be the same without the flair, vibrancy, and excitement that Brazil brings to the pitch.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is Brazil not in FIFA 23?

The exact reason hasn’t been officially confirmed, but potential licensing issues could be a factor.

Has Brazil ever been absent from a FIFA game before?

This is the first time that Brazil, a record five-time World Cup winner, has not been included in a FIFA game.

What impact does Brazil’s absence have on the game?

Given that Brazil is one of the world’s top teams, its absence could significantly affect game dynamics and the overall playing experience.

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  • FIFA World Rankings
  • BBC Sport – Pele Quotes
  • FIFA 23 Official Site

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