Why Is Colby Brock In The Hospital

YouTuber and ghost hunter Colby Brock has recently gotten the devastating news that he had testicular cancer. He recently opened up to Dr Mike about his experience getting the news as he starts chemotherapy.

Colby Brock, 26, is best known for his ghost-hunting videos that he makes alongside best friend and business partner Sam Goldbach, with the pair having over 9 million subscribers on their shared ghost-hunting channel. This year, Colby has gone through something scarier than any ghosts though, as he was diagnosed with testicular cancer in January.

He appeared on Dr Mike Varshavski‘s podcast “The Checkup” where he talked about his experience with getting the diagnosis and how he was let down by his doctors.

Colby opened up about how he got diagnosed

Telling Dr Mike about how he started to experience a “bruise like pain” in his nether region back in November 2022 while filming a video, he said the pain and swelling kept getting worse, making him finally contact his doctor in January 2023.

Talking about what made him call his doctor, he said: “At this point when it would flair up it was swollen, and there was a pain that was now starting in my lower left pelvis, by my waistband. And there was like this throbbing pain, almost like a cramping pain when I would sit down.”

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Colby also said that after each flair-up, the swelling would go down, but the testicle remained larger and firmer.

He had a doctors appointment on January 25, where the doctor told him to go see a radiologist to do ultrasounds and scans within the next month. He went on to go get them done the next day and soon got the worst news possible – there was a mass that had a 95% risk of it being cancer.

Taking matters into his own hands, instead of waiting months for the surgery in Las Vegas where he currently lives, he contacted doctors at UCLA that went on to schedule the surgery to remove the testicle on February 6th – just 12 days after his first doctor’s appointment.


Colby is now undergoing chemotherapy

The surgery was deemed a success and Colby was soon described as being cancer free. But unfortunately, the journey doesn’t end there.

Even though he was deemed cancer free, the doctors said there was still a 35% risk of the cancer returning. Because of this, Colby had a choice of active surveillance of 2 years where he would regularly get blood works and scans to make sure the cancer didn’t return, or he could do one round of chemo which would last 21 days.

Colby then went on to ask Dr Mike about his views on whether or not he should go through chemotherapy. He said he knew it would decrease the risk of the cancer coming back, but he was also scared of the side effects, mainly infertility and losing his hair, which is an important part of his job.

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Since filming the interview, Colby has announced to his fans that he started the round of chemo on April 24, after posting photos of himself in the treatment room at the hospital.

He kept the caption of the positive, saying he was ready to do what it takes to “kick cancer’s ass”. He ended the caption by writing: “imma put the emo in chemo bitch #fuckcancer”

For all the latest entertainment news and updates, be sure to check out Dexerto’s full coverage here.

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