Why Is Graffiti Bad

Graffiti on a wall.

There has long been a debate about whether graffiti should be considered art or vandalism.

Anyone lucky enough to have a ‘Banksy’ spray-painted on their walls will attest that there are certainly some works that appeal from a cultural and commercial perspective.

However, not every piece of graffiti found in towns and cities across the UK is quite as appealing.

Some can be offensive, racist and threatening.

And graffiti can also cause permanent damage to your property.

This blog will examine why graffiti can be bad for the community, bad for business and bad for you.

History Of Graffiti

You can trace the origins of graffiti back thousands of years.

Historians and archaeologists have studied ancient scrawling on cave walls as they gave an insight into the behaviour of early man.

Later, the ancient Romans daubed their names and protest poems on walls to show their dissatisfaction with perceived injustices.

Modern graffiti is believed to have flourished in the early 1960s, particularly in America.

And this is where the true dichotomy of its appeal started to take shape. Gang members would use tags to denote territory, while art galleries also began to buy graffiti to put on display.

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Negative Connotations For Graffiti

As mentioned above, the debate about whether graffiti is considered art or vandalism continues to rage.

The BBC wrote an article in 2006 about this very debate.

It followed the recent introduction of a new anti-graffiti law in New York, which banned anyone under 21 from possessing spray paint or broad-tipped markers.

City Councillor Peter Valione was particularly vocal in his support for the legislation:

“Graffiti done with permission is art is in the eye of the beholder. My office has even funded many beautiful graffiti-like murals.

“However, it becomes a crime when you put that “art” on someone else’s property. I have a message for the graffiti vandals out there – your freedom of expression ends where my property begins.”

Peter Valione

We don’t aim to settle that debate in this blog.

But whether you’re a business owner or private property owner, waking up to find unsolicited graffiti on your building can be extremely frustrating.

Here are a few reasons you might want to clean it up.

Environmental Damage Of Graffiti

Commonly used graffiti materials – such as aerosol sprays – can damage the environment.

They can emit ‘volatile organic compounds’ (VOCs), which are known to the Environmental Protection Agency as organic pollutants that can contribute to ozone levels.

Bad For The Community

First impressions count. And they last forever. Your business might see a decline in profits if customers don’t return.

Its presence can often spark further crime, harming the local community.

Property prices could also fall. To prevent this, visible graffiti should be removed as soon as possible.

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Bad for Business

As mentioned above, there are many negative connotations for graffiti.

But how can this affect your business?

Graffiti attacks can ruin the reputation of many businesses.

If you rely on footfall – for example, shops, restaurants and salons – it can have a real impact. Customers may be put off or intimidated by the appearance of graffiti.

They may interpret it as neglect on your behalf.

As business owners know, you never get a second chance to make a first impression.

That’s why it is so important to get the graffiti removed at the earliest convenience.

Professional Graffiti Removal

If you find graffiti on your commercial or residential property, there are many things you can do to try and remove it.

We have discussed some of the most common graffiti removal tips in our recent blog (How To Clean Graffiti: Should You Hire Professionals Or Do It Yourself?).

But employing professional cleaners could save you considerable time and expense.

At Vinci Response, our professional graffiti removal services can ensure your property is restored to its original condition.

Using steam-based tools, our methods are chemical-free.

Contact our team today to find out how we can quickly and effectively remove graffiti from your premises.

Call Vinci Response on 03335 772 996 or email [email protected]

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