Why Is It Called Trail Mix

You might get lost on the historical trail of when and where trail mix originated. Some sources say that thousands of years ago, Native Americans ate a mixture of nuts and dried fruits resembling today’s trail mixes. There are also other ideas regarding the origin of this popular snack food.

Different Ideas

There are two other well-known ideas as to the origin of trail mixes. One idea dates back to around 1910. An outdoorsman by the name of Horace Kephart wrote a camping guide. In that guide, he mentioned taking a mix made of nuts, raisins, and chocolate along for an energizing snack.

Another idea regarding the history of trail mix puts its origin in 1968. Two surfers in California combined peanuts and raisins to eat as an energy-boosting snack. It’s important to note that trail mix was mentioned in a novel by Jack Kerouac in 1958.

Homemade Trail Mixes

There are many different types of trail mixes are available. Even with a diverse assortment of mixes, you might find it fun and frugal to prepare homemade trail mix. When you end up with lots of small amounts of nuts and dried fruits in the pantry, you can combine them to make a unique homemade trail mix.

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Energizing Mixes

One account of the origin of trail mixes has it being an energizing snack to take on an outdoor adventure. A Mountain mix or energy trail mix is ideal for a camping adventure or to take with you when hiking. A spicy trail mix can give you a boost of energy and awaken your tastebuds.

Specialty Mixes

While this dried fruit and nut mix wasn’t originally created as a weight-loss food or as a low-carb snack, there are mixes today that fill that niche. Weight control trail mix is a combination of items that have a high fiber content that supports weight loss. It also contains ingredients that can help satisfy a craving for something sweet and something crunchy that won’t adversely affect your diet.

A Keto trail mix contains low-carb ingredients and is a healthy trail mix to add to almost any dietary plan.

Healthy Trail Mix

There are numerous types of trail mixes available that contain items that can boost your overall health. You can select a specific mix such as Happy Heart Mix Raw that contains ingredients that boost heart health. It is a sodium-free and cholesterol-free mix. Omega trail mix has ingredients such as peanuts and sunflower seeds that are loaded with beneficial omega-3 fatty acids. Keto trail mix is also a healthy snack food.

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