HomeWHYWhy Is Janitor Ai Not Working

Why Is Janitor Ai Not Working

Janitor AI is a smart chatbot that interacts with users by utilizing innovative technology, but it is not without flaws. It may stop working for a variety of reasons. In this article we will go through some of the most common reasons why Janitor AI down or not working and how to check and fix them.

Also, we will cover most of the errors and solutions that you get while chatting with Janitor AI. We will also look into the Janitor AI errors you get during OpenAI API configuration or Kobold AI configuration or Open AI reverse proxy configuration and solutions on how to fix them.

Is Janitor AI Down?

Janitor AI may be experiencing downtime due to a variety of reasons, such as maintenance, server updates, network errors, or server issues. It’s not uncommon for online services to have occasional outages, and the Janitor AI team is likely working to resolve the issue.

Users often discuss such outages on the Janitor AI subreddit, where you can find real-time updates and community support. If you’re currently facing difficulties accessing Janitor AI, checking these resources may provide further insight into the situation.

How to Check if Janitor AI Down or Not Working?

  • Check Social Media: Look at Janitor AI’s social media pages for any updates or outage information.
  • Official Website: Visit the official website to see if there’s any news on server status.
  • Different Device/Network: Try accessing Janitor AI from a different device or network to determine if the problem is specific to your setup.
  • Online Tools: Use online tools like “Down for Everyone or Just Me” or “Downdetector” to check Janitor AI downtime.

Why is Janitor AI Not Working? (Website)

Janitor AI may encounter a number of challenges that limit its functionality and making Janitor AI not working. Understanding these concerns is essential for efficiently troubleshooting and resolving the problem. Here are some common reasons that put Janitor AI down:

  1. Technical Issues: Janitor AI might face issues due to server problems, maintenance, or updates.
  2. Connectivity Issues: Janitor AI needs a stable internet connection; disruptions or slow internet speeds can cause it to malfunction.
  3. Compatibility Problems: Certain browsers or devices may not work well with Janitor AI, especially if they’re outdated or lack necessary plugins.
  4. System Requirements: System requirements: Make sure your device meets the minimum specs (like having Windows 10 or macOS 10.15) for Janitor AI to run smoothly.
  5. User-specific Issues: Some problems might be unique to individual users, related to account settings, permissions, or conflicts with other software.
  6. Browser Issues: Using an outdated browser version can affect Janitor AI’s performance; it’s best to use modern browsers like Chrome (Version 92) or Firefox (Version 91).
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How to Fix Janitor AI Down?

  • Check Internet Connection: Ensure your internet connection is stable and fast.
  • Restart the App or Browser: Close and reopen the application or browser window.
  • Clear Cache and Cookies: Remove temporary files that might be causing issues.
  • Contact Support: Reach out to Janitor AI’s support team for assistance.
  • Monitor Server Status: Check if there are any known issues with the Janitor AI servers.
  • Disable VPN or Proxy: If you’re using a VPN or proxy, try disabling it to see if that resolves the issue.
  • Update Your Browser: Make sure you’re using the latest version of your web browser.
  • Disable Browser Extensions: Some extensions can interfere with web applications, so try disabling them.
  • Switch to Ethernet: If possible, use a wired connection instead of Wi-Fi for a more stable internet connection.
  • Take a Short Break: Sometimes, simply waiting a bit before trying again can work if the issue is temporary.

Latest Update from Janitor AI

Janitor Ai Update
Janitor AI Update

JanitorAI, users are encountering technical issues with the Janitor AI service, including the site being down, laggy, buggy, and providing empty replies. Janitor AI has experienced multiple outages due to various reasons.

Janitor AI has implemented updates to its website, introducing new guidelines and improvements aimed at enhancing the overall user experience. Plus, routine maintenance and the implementation of these updates may have contributed to periods of inaccessibility. Below are some of the errors that occurred in Janitor AI.

Error: Sign-In and Character Display Error

Janitor Ai Down
and Character Display Error

Users can’t sign in to Janitor AI accounts and are seeing repeated sign-in prompts or access failures. Also, there’s a glitch where their created characters aren’t showing up, making it hard to edit or interact with them. Some users are facing issues with Janitor AI when opening new tabs, leading to display errors for creator works and repeated sign-in prompts without a fix.

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Error: Error Saving Messages

Janitor Ai Down
Error Saving Messages

Janitor AI Error Saving Messages happens due to a client-side error while trying to save messages. The error message “Error saving message(s), you will lose them on refresh (if you haven’t already): Request failed with status code 400” indicates that the server received an invalid request, risking data loss upon page refresh. To fix this error, ensure you have sufficient OpenAI API credits.

Error: “Sorry.. there was an error”

Sorry.. There was an error

The message “Sorry… There was an error” in Janitor AI typically indicates that the application has encountered an unexpected issue. To resolve this, you can try several troubleshooting steps such as checking your internet connection, restarting the app or browser, clearing your cache and cookies, or contacting the Janitor AI support team for assistance.

Error: “Unexpected End of JSON Input” Error

Unexpected End of JSON Input

The “Unexpected End of JSON Input” error in Janitor AI suggests parsing issues due to incomplete data, structural errors, or encoding problems. This error occurs when Janitor AI cannot understand the data provided. Resolving it involves checking JSON integrity, syntax, and addressing any network/server issues to ensure smooth operation.

How to Fix Unexpected End of JSON Input:

  • Check your internet connection and make sure it’s stable and fast. A weak or interrupted connection can cause the data to be incomplete or corrupted.
  • Check your message format and make sure it follows the rules of Janitor AI. Avoid any extra spaces, symbols, or characters that might confuse the system.
  • Try disabling text streaming mode or switching to normal OpenAI if you’re using KoboldAI. Not all servers may support streaming or KoboldAI features.

Error: Character Detail not Loading or Showing up

Janitor AI character detail feature has been temporarily disabled by the developers of Janitor AI to prevent unauthorized copying of their bots on other platforms. They are also working on adding watermarking to protect the creators’ efforts. They have assured that the feature will be restored soon.

Some users are unhappy with this decision and think that there are better ways to prevent plagiarism. They also miss the ability to use the character descriptions as references for creating new bots or understanding the bot’s personality traits before chatting with them .

Error Parsing Message from Janitor AI and Profile Not Found

Why is Janitor AI Down or Janitor AI Not Working? 1

The “Error Parsing Message” in Janitor AI typically means it can’t interpret server data, often due to bad JSON. “Profile Not Found” may indicate server or network errors, or code bugs. To fix these, clear your cache, check the server status, update your browser, and check your firewall. If issues continue, reach out to Janitor AI support on Discord.

Error: {“max_length”:[“Must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to 512.”]}

Max Length Error

This Janitor AI error message occurs when you chat with a character and your character responds you with a big reply. This is likely a parameter setting in a program or API that limits the length of a certain input or string. To fix, adjust max_length in Generation Settings to 256 tokens (1 word = 4 tokens) and set Context Size to 2048 to avoid memory errors. For Kobold API, select Kobold AI preset.

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Error: Network error. Try if you can access this URL later!

Network Error

This Janitor AI error message occurs if your OpenAI reverse proxy URL or Kobold AI API URL is not accessible. To fix this, make sure you’ve set up Kobold AI in Colab with the correct settings: Nerys V2 6B model, United version, Cloudflare provider, and Google Drive off.

Wait until all tensor models load in Colab without closing the browser tab. Ensure your proxy is running for other URL errors and consider configuring the OpenAI Reverse Proxy with Docker or OpenAI Reverse Proxy with Nginx for Janitor AI. These steps should help resolve network errors and ensure Janitor AI runs smoothly.

Error: KoboldAI Ran Out of Memory

KoboldAI Ran Out of Memory

Encountering the “Kobold AI ran out of memory” error in Colab typically arises from system requirements. To address this, consider enabling the Google Drive option and building, while also closing any inactive Collab tabs to alleviate memory constraints and enhance performance.

Error: The model: `gpt-4` does not exist

The model: `gpt-4` does not exist

If you encountered the error “The model: gpt-4 does not exist” in Janitor AI, it may be because the GPT-4 model was not available at the time. To resolve this, you can select the GPT 3.5 model in your Janitor API settings. GPT-4 was in beta and not publicly accessible prior to its release.

Error: Exceeded Quota or Token Limit Error

Exceeded Quota or Token Limit Error

The “Exceeded Quota or Token Limit” error in Janitor AI typically occurs when a user has used up all the free tokens provided by OpenAI’s API key, which are necessary for the operation of the chatbot. This can also happen if the free trial period has expired.

To address the “Exceeded Quota” error in Janitor AI, consider upgrading your OpenAI plan for more API requests or optimizing chatbot performance by deleting old messages and using concise communication. If issues persist, contact Janitor AI support or use a reverse proxy as an alternative solution.

Error: undefined is not an object

Undefined is not an object

Users encountering issues with Janitor AI, where the bot fails to respond and generates error messages instead, have tried multiple solutions like refreshing the page or switching to alternative bots without success. Even attempting different API keys or creating new accounts hasn’t resolved the problem.

In such scenarios, it’s recommended to wait and try again later, as the Janitor AI team may be actively working to fix the underlying cause of the error. Allowing them time to address the issue could lead to a smoother experience for users once the problem is resolved.

Janitor AI Failed to Fetch

Janitor AI Failed to Fetch

The “Failed to fetch” error in Janitor AI typically means it can’t access data, possibly due to network problems or server issues. To fix it, try refreshing the page, reconnecting, or waiting before retrying. If it continues, contact Janitor AI support or wait for stability improvements.

Frequently Asked Questions


In conclusion, encountering issues with Janitor AI being down or not working can be frustrating, but there are steps users can take to address these problems. From refreshing the page to trying alternative bots, users have options to mitigate the impact of Janitor AI’s downtime.

Additionally, staying updated with official announcements and reaching out to Janitor AI’s support team for assistance can expedite the resolution process. Please share your thoughts and feedback in the comment section below.


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