Why Is Kokichi So Short

hi, tiny :warning: tw :warning: before we get into this, you’ve been warned


General headcannons

The reason Kokichi is so short and skinny is that he was abused as a child. To avoid his parents, he would hide in cabinets and other small spaces, stunning his growth. His parents never fed him properly, so his growth was stunned further and he was really skinny as a child. After DICE was formed, he slowly started to gain more weight, but there was no chance of him ever being tall.

Kokichi used to dye/bleach his hair pretty frequently before the Killing Game. Part of the reason why his hair has such an easy time standing up, is because it’s so fried.

Kokichi actually has heterochromia like in his beta design, but hides it with contacts because he is insecure about it.

Kokichi has heavy abandonment issues. that’s part of the reason why he acts *like that*. because if they approach him and care about him while he acts like that, they’re less likely to leave him. and if they don’t, atleast he doesn’t have to go through the pain of being abandoned.

kokichi feels bad that gonta trusts everyone whole heartedly, so he takes him and teaches him about what’s truth and lies, and sometimes he’ll randomly yell “ QUIZ!” and either say a truth or a lie and gonta will yell back either “TRUTH” or “ LIE!” and kokichi will tell him if he’s right or wrong.

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kokichi is childish and mischievous because he never got to have a childhood due to his abusive parents, but in the killing game he realized he can do whatever he wanted.

kokichi is a compulsive liar due to his parents and their abusive actions

Kokichi is gay, but he’s always lying about his sexuality when people ask and likes to confuse the shit out of people with it. Like, he goes back and forth saying things like he’s gay- wait no he’s bi- wait nahhhh he’s totally pan, or maybe he was straight all along?? Homoflexible??? Maybe all of those are a lie and he’s actually ace? Who knows??? And just likes to completely fuck with people like that whenever they ask.

Kokichi is a really great singer. He purposefully makes himself sound bad as jokes/to be annoying (i.e. singing off key, making his voice crack, ect.) but when he decides to sing for real it’s absolutely amazing.

Kokichi was lying about all that stuff he said about hating Gonta, he actually really loves and thinks Gonta as one of his best friends and the only coping mechanism he knows is lying so he lies but doesn’t know what else to do at that point cause Gonta just left them and he’s having a big panic attack inside and to make him feel better he lies to himself and so when he was begging Gonta not to go those were his true feelings and after that he started lying cause he’s not support let his true feelings show

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kokichi asks kuromi to be his mom as a insult and joke at first but the two slowly develop a mother son type bond and kuromi ends up being very protective of kokichi.

ship headcannons

(please don’t burn me at the stake thanks :grinning: :heart: )

Kokichi’s teasings of Keebo are flirting attempts. Terrible ones, tbh, but I feel like he’s trying. He likes the tension between them.

kokichi asks shuichi out by yelling out “ LET ME BE THE WATSON TO YOUR SHERLOCK” and then pauses “….they’re those detective guys right?” shuichi laughs and nods “yes kokichi, those are ‘those detective guys’”

the whole crush scene with himiko and kokichi occurs. after the trial the two talk in himiko’s room. and kokichi asks her out by saying “…maybe…you can show me magic sometime, i need some to fix my cold heart” and she grabs a magic wand and pokes him in the chest while saying “abracadabra!”

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