Why Is Marvel Better Than Dc

We all know the two comic giants Marvel and DC. Both abound in the superheroes we have come to know and love like Batman, Iron Man, Captain America, Superman and many more. However, Marvel creates better movies.

DC popularity is falling due to the lack of continuity within the extended universe. If you watch Marvel, you will notice that every movie or series seems to connect. I think this is one of the coolest aspects of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Marvel also gives pretty good backstories to most of their characters as well.

Epicstreams claims that one reason Marvel characters are better in the movies is,

“Each of the heroes in the MCU other than Hawkeye has been given some form of an origin story to help increase the anticipation of later ensemble movies, but more importantly for fans, it gave them time to really get to know and lovethese characters.”

One character who recently got his own mini-series, Loki, is a great example of how viewers get to know a character on a deeper level. We see this guy go from a person tearing up the streets chasing his own destiny to fighting until he died in his fight against Thanos in the movies, but when the 2012 character breaks the timeline in the series by picking up the tesseract, we start to learn a different side. We see his perspective change once he learns the truth and that begins to shape him.

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One last thing to consider is that Marvel is essentially Disney, and they have way more production power than DC, which makes movies with Warner Bros.

The best way to describe DC vs. Marvel is this quote from the European Business Review:

“Marvel movies have more characters; this also gives them a competitive edge. These characters have emerged winners in more categories. The Marvel Cinematic Universe has it all when it comes to cultivating one’s curiosity. But DC tries to dig its way out by fitting as many heroes as possible.”

I’m not saying DC is poorly produced ­ – the Batman/Superman series is very popular – as well as series like the “Suicide Squad.” Quality Comix said briefly that DC adds great depth to their characters, as well as their origin stories and so on. This is true with the superhero Batman.

Compared to DC, Marvel has a few areas it could catch up in. Marvel often relies on the same formulas for their movies by including lots of comedy and connecting other movies in the cinematic universe. Additionally, the villains aren’t the greatest at times, but the villains in “Spiderman: No Way Home” were exceptional.

According to Complex Magazine, “The films all tend to have the same look, tone, and feel, no matter who is behind the camera. That’s because these movies are so interconnected and dependent on each other that the studio behind the films tends to have more power and say than the director in charge. The Marvel directors seem to be hired based solely on whether or not they can carry out the company’s established vision, rather than if they can properly bring the character to life.”

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As a Marvel fanatic, I can say this is very true of the movies. They all center around the same formula, and the movies have the same basic plot. At the same time, as the old saying goes, “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.” So, people can complain, and maybe Marvel could switch it up. Though if it works, I don’t blame them for keepingthat formula.

So, while both are good, Marvel is better when it comes to the movies.

Austin is an opinion writer.

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