Why Is My Boyfriend So Cute

Our boyfriends can sometimes become unbearably adorable. Whenever this happens, it makes us wonder why he’s being so cute. If he gets any cuter, he will probably become a puppy.

Some of the reasons why your boyfriend is so cute could be because he’s always fun to be around, or maybe his weirdness matches your weirdness. He could also be just into you, which makes him want to do things that you’ll find cute.

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Below are the reasons why you find your boyfriend unbearably cute.


Fun guys tend to be a lot easier to be around. In addition, they can easily turn even the worst situations into enjoyable circumstances. This ability makes them seem childlike and innocent, which makes him too cute to be real.

Like that one time when you got stuck in a line for two hours, and he made you spend by guessing what all the other people you saw did for a living. He kept coming up with sillier occupations, like ‘professional nugget eater’ and such, which made you pass the time laughing with him.

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He’s probably one of the few people on the planet who can relate well with you. This is because you are operating on the same wavelength. Whatever crazy idea turns you on will undoubtedly occur to him as well. For that matter, you probably complete each other’s sentences.

Such as that time when he came to your apartment wearing a bathrobe and bringing ice cream. He told you he just felt like it. The truth was because he knew you watched reruns of Friends in your bathrobe whenever you have your period. This makes him certifiable cute.


The way he consistently makes you feel good about being his girlfriend makes him the cutest person alive. He’s probably a great guy outside of your relationship too. This means he doesn’t just treat you well- he treats your grumpy next-door neighbor the same way.

He’s a good catch, as well as a good person. His singular ability to impress you with his good deeds makes him one of the most decent people alive. After all, he does it because it is his nature, and not because he wants to be praised.

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He has introduced you to his friends. In fact, most of his other friends whom you haven’t met also seem to you. This is because he bragged about you to his friends. The way he talks about you all the time makes him the all-time cutest guy in the world.

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You are his pride and joy and this makes him the greatest guy in the world.


He knows that you are already one of the coolest people in the world. However, he also knows that you have the potential to be better and even more awesome. He believes that you can become more.

His faith in you makes him downright adorable and loveable. After all, not all guys can successfully do this with confidence. He also believes that you’re one heck of a gorgeous woman, even when you don’t feel so hot. He even told you that Jennifer Lawrence doesn’t hold a candle to you.


Generally, in-laws are one of the reasons for most unsuccessful attempts at marriage. Even potential in-laws can be intimidating and downright scary. But he refuses to adhere to popular culture.

Instead, he emails your mother regularly. He even hangs out with your dad sometimes. He also remembers to ask about your siblings and friends. He’s the cutest.


What makes him even cuter is the fact that he takes care of your personal needs. He’s not a selfish lover. He is also tender and sweet. He remembers where you like to be kissed and proceeds to do so whenever you want and need it.

He also gives you a foot massage or a back rub without prompting. He does this to ensure your well-being in his care. He’s also a ready ear and a willing shoulder for your emotional needs.

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Even when you told him you wanted to run 10k in the dead of winter, he never batted an eyelash. He was supportive all the way. Even more so, in fact, since he knows you are more capable than you’re letting on.

He’s the kind of guy who will train with you so you can make it, as well as run with you until you reach the finish line together.


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