Why Is My Brand New Brake Caliper Sticking

Updated on September 14, 2022

If you’ve just installed a brand new brake caliper and it’s sticking, don’t panic! This is a common issue that can often be fixed quickly and easily.

If your brand new brake caliper is sticking, it is most likely due to the piston not retracting fully, the guide pins being seized or corroded, or the caliper housing not being aligned properly. You can try to fix it by cleaning the piston and checking the guide pins and caliper housing for damage.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss some of the causes of sticking brake calipers and offer a few tips on how to fix them.

How Do Car Brakes Work?

The modern car brake is a marvel of engineering, and it’s one of the most important safety features on your vehicle. Every time you hit the brakes, your car’s brake system converts the kinetic energy of your moving car into heat energy, which brings your car to a stop.

How do car brakes work? It all starts with the brake pedal. When you press down on the brake pedal, hydraulic fluid from the master cylinder is sent to the calipers.

The calipers are like giant clamps that grip the brake pads and squeeze them against the rotors. The rotors are big metal discs that sit behind your wheels and they’re what actually gets slowed down by the friction of the pads.

As the fluid pressure builds in the calipers, it causes the pads to press harder against the rotors, and that’s what slows your car down. The whole process happens in a matter of seconds, but it’s crucial for keeping you safe on the road.

Now that you know how car brakes work, you can appreciate all the engineering that goes into making them work flawlessly day after day.

And if you ever have any questions about your brakes or any other part of your car, be sure to ask a certified mechanic. They’ll be happy to help keep your car running safely and smoothly.

Can Calipers Go Bad?

Yes, calipers can go bad. If your calipers are not working properly, it can cause a lot of problems. For example, if the calipers are not releasing properly, it can cause the brakes to drag.

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This can lead to premature wear on the brake pads and rotors, and it can also cause the car to pull to one side while driving.

If the calipers are sticking, it can also cause uneven wear on the brake pads and rotors. If the calipers are not releasing properly, you may notice that the brakes drag or that the car takes longer to stop than usual.

If you think your calipers might be going bad, it’s important to have them checked out by a certified mechanic as soon as possible. They will be able to diagnose the problem and recommend the best course of action.

In some cases, the calipers may just need to be adjusted or replaced. In other cases, the entire brake system may need to be serviced.

How Do I Know That My Calipers Are Sticking?

There are a few signs that you can look for to see if your calipers are sticking. For example, if you notice that your brake pedal is staying down when you release it, or if you hear grinding or squealing when you apply the brakes, these could be signs that the calipers are sticking.

If you notice any of these issues, it’s important to have your car checked out by a certified mechanic as soon as possible.

These are just a few of the most common signs that your calipers might be sticking. If you notice anything unusual with your brakes, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and have them checked out by a professional.

Why Is My Brand New Brake Caliper Sticking?

There are a few reasons why your new brake caliper might be sticking. The most common reason is that the caliper piston is not retracting fully when the brakes are released.

This can happen if the piston is dirty or if there is something blocking it from moving freely.

Another possibility is that the guide pins are seized or corroded. The guide pins are what allow the caliper to move freely as the brakes are applied and released. If they are seized or corroded, it can cause the caliper to stick.

There is also a possibility is that the caliper housing is not aligned properly. This can happen if the caliper was installed incorrectly or if it has been damaged.

If the caliper housing is not aligned properly, it can cause the piston to bind and stick when trying to retract.

How Can I Fix a Sticking Brake Caliper?

If your brake caliper is sticking, there are a few things you can do to try to fix it.

First, check the guide pins and make sure they are free of any corrosion or debris. If they are seized or corroded, you may need to replace them.

Second, clean the piston with brake cleaner and a rag. Make sure there is nothing blocking the piston from moving freely.

Third, check the caliper housing for any damage or misalignment. If it is damaged or not aligned properly, you may need to replace it.

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Fourth, have a certified mechanic check your brake system and make sure everything is working properly. They may need to adjust or replace your calipers.

If you follow these steps and your brake caliper still sticking, it’s important to take your car to a certified mechanic as soon as possible. There could be a more serious problem with your brakes that needs to be fixed.

What Tools Do I Need to Replace Brake Caliper Guide Pins?

The only tools you need to replace brake caliper guide pins are a flathead screwdriver, a hammer, and a punch.

  1. First, use the flathead screwdriver to remove the retaining clip that holds the old guide pin in place.
  2. Next, use the hammer and punch to drive the old guide pin out of the housing.
  3. Then, insert the new guide pin into the housing and use the hammer to tap it into place.
  4. Finally, put the retaining clip back in place to hold the new guide pin in place.

Replacing brake caliper guide pins is a relatively easy process that can be done with just a few simple tools.

How to Properly Clean Brake Piston?

  1. Get the proper tools for the job: In order to properly clean the brake piston, you will need a few things including a can of compressed air, a wire brush, and some sort of degreaser (we recommend a brake cleaner).
  2. Remove any build-up on the brake piston: Use the wire brush to remove any build-up that may be present on the brake piston. You may also need to use compressed air to blow away any debris that is clinging to the piston.
  3. Clean the piston with a degreaser: Next, use a degreaser to clean off any remaining dirt or grime from the piston. Make sure to thoroughly rinse off the degreaser when you are finished.
  4. Inspect the piston for damage: Once you have cleaned the piston, inspect it for any signs of damage. If you notice any cracks or other damage, replace the piston as soon as possible.
  5. Reassemble the brake system: Finally, reassemble the brake system and bleed the brakes according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

How to Replace Caliper Housing?

  1. Begin by removing the old caliper housing from your vehicle. You will need a few tools to do this, including a socket wrench and a few screwdrivers.
  2. Once the old caliper housing is removed, take a look at the new one to familiarize yourself with its parts.
  3. Next, align the new caliper housing with the mounting bracket on your vehicle.
  4. Use the screws that come with the new housing to attach it to the bracket.
  5. Finally, reattach the brake line to the new caliper housing using the fitting that comes with it.

Do All Cars Have Brake Calipers?

No, not all cars have brake calipers. Some older cars may have a different type of braking system that does not use calipers. However, most modern cars do have brake calipers.


How Long Do Brake Calipers Last?

How long do brake calipers last? That is a difficult question to answer because it depends on so many factors, including driving habits, vehicle type, and maintenance schedule. With proper care, most calipers should last between 75,000 and 100,000 miles.

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However, if you frequently drive in stop-and-go traffic or tend to ride your brakes a lot, your calipers may need to be replaced more often. If you are not sure how often to replace your brake calipers, consult your owner’s manual or ask a mechanic.

Why Is My Brand New Brake Caliper Sticking? (Quick Fix?)

Can You Drive Without Brake Calipers?

No, you should not drive without brake calipers. Brake calipers are an essential part of your vehicle’s braking system, and without them, your car would not be able to stop.

If you are missing a brake caliper, it is important to have it replaced as soon as possible by a qualified mechanic. Driving without brake calipers is dangerous and could result in an accident.

How Much Does It Cost to Replace Brake Calipers?

The cost of replacing brake calipers can vary depending on the make and model of your vehicle, but it is typically between $200 and $400 per caliper.

If you need to replace both front and rear calipers, the cost will be higher. Additionally, if your brake pads also need to be replaced, the total cost will be even higher.

Can a Bad Caliper Damage My Car?

Yes, a bad caliper can damage your car. If a caliper is not working properly, it can cause the brake pads to wear down unevenly, which can lead to premature pad wear and increased brake dust.

Additionally, a stuck caliper can cause the brakes to drag, which can lead to increased fuel consumption and decreased performance.

Do Electric Cars Have Brake Calipers?

Yes, electric cars have brake calipers. In fact, they have four of them. Two in the front and two in the rear. Each caliper is connected to a rotor. The rotors are what the pads clamp down on when you hit the brakes, slowing the car down.

The calipers themselves are pretty similar to those found on a regular car except for one big difference. Electric cars don’t have any hydraulic fluid running through them. Instead, they use electrically-actuated pistons to push the pads against the rotors.

This has a few advantages. First, it eliminates the need for a brake fluid reservoir which saves space and weight. Second, it reduces the number of moving parts which makes the system more reliable. Finally, it eliminates brake fade which can be a problem with hydraulic brakes.

The downside to this design is that it requires more electrical power to operate than a hydraulic system. This is why you’ll often see regenerative braking on electric cars. This recaptures some of the energy that would otherwise be lost as heat and uses it to recharge the battery.

Overall, electric car brake calipers are simpler, more reliable, and require less maintenance than their hydraulic counterparts. If you’re looking for an upgrade for your car, they’re definitely worth considering!


If your brake caliper is sticking, there are a few things you can do to try to fix it. The most common reason is that the piston is not retracting fully when the brakes are released. You can try cleaning the piston or replacing the guide pins.

If these steps don’t work, you may need to replace the entire caliper. In some cases, the entire brake system may need to be serviced.

If you’re having trouble with your brakes, it’s best to take your car to a certified mechanic as soon as possible.

You may also be interested in these articles:

Temporary Fix For A Stuck Brake Caliper

Red Brake Calipers on Cars: Why Do Some Cars Have Them?

Can You Drive With a Loose Caliper? What Are The Symptoms?

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