Why Is My Ocd Getting Worse

If your OCD has suddenly gotten worse or if you’ve noticed your symptoms gradually becoming more severe, a few issues might be at play.


Research suggests that stressful and traumatic events can worsen OCD symptoms.

Examples include:

  • abuse or bullying
  • the death of a loved one
  • a divorce or breakup
  • family or relationship problems
  • immigration to a new country
  • job loss
  • marriage
  • moving
  • a natural disaster
  • school difficulties
  • serious physical illness in yourself or a loved one
  • a vehicle accident
  • violent crime
  • warfare

According to a 2020 study, people are more likely to develop contamination OCD symptoms — a fear of getting ill or spreading germs — if they have experienced multiple stressful life events.

Additionally, another 2020 study found that the death of a loved one could worsen hoarding symptoms, which can be a feature of OCD.

Pregnancy and childbirth

Some people develop OCD as a result of pregnancy and childbirth. When that happens, the condition is called perinatal OCD or postpartum OCD.

If you already have OCD, your symptoms might worsen during pregnancy or the postpartum period.

It’s not totally clear why pregnancy and childbirth can trigger OCD, but there are many possible explanations, including the stress and anxiety associated with the experience. Hormones might also play a role in triggering OCD, according to the Anxiety & Depression Association of America.

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But perinatal OCD doesn’t just affect people who get pregnant and give birth. Co-parents might also experience the condition, according to a 2021 review of fathers’ experiences of perinatal OCD.

If you think you’re experiencing perinatal OCD, consider speaking with a healthcare professional such as your OB-GYN or primary care doctor.


Your OCD symptoms might vary intensity along with your menstrual cycle.

The authors of a 2021 review concluded that anxiety-related OCD symptoms can fluctuate along with the menstrual cycle but that this doesn’t happen in everyone who menstruates. They also noted that more research is needed.

A 2019 study found that certain OCD symptoms can get worse during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, which happens right after ovulation and lasts until you get your period. In other words, your OCD symptoms may feel worse in the premenstrual phase. It seems that progesterone levels, which are higher during the luteal phase, may play a role in this.

There’s no consensus on how to treat OCD that gets worse because of your menstrual cycle.


If you’re not sleeping well, it may worsen your OCD.

According to a 2020 review, a lack of quality sleep can make OCD symptoms worse. People with OCD and related disorders also seem to be more likely to experience insomnia and other sleep disorders.

OCD and sleeplessness can reinforce one another. If you’re having trouble falling asleep, try to practice good sleep hygiene habits. You can also talk with a healthcare professional about treatment options for sleeplessness.

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