Why Is My Resin Bendy

why is my resin bending?Made resin coasters that could be a Gumby stunt double? Yeah. That can make you say curse phrases like skinny monkey carcass. Now you’re asking yourself, why is my resin bendy?

There are a few reasons why this happens:

1. Your resin needs more time to cure

While resin is curing, it turns semi-solid (think gelatin) but is soft and pliable. In other words, it looks like it’s done curing, but it may not be.

Double-check the cure time for your resin. If you’re lucky, you simply need to give it more time to cure.

⭐️ BONUS: This explains how long it takes resin to dry

2. You poured resin in a thin layer

It can be normal for some resins, when poured in a thin layer, to be bendy. Some resins can be flexible after the full cure time. It may get harder by giving it more curing time, but that doesn’t always work. If you want to give the resin extra time to cure, make sure it stays warm and give it another two to seven days to fully cure.

Refer to more articles:  Why Is My Bonsai Dying

⭐️ BONUS: If you aren’t sure what the ideal resin curing temperature is, this will help: Resin mixing and curing temperatures

3. Your resin is retaining moisture

When you use colors not designed for resin (like acrylic paints), they’ll add water to your resin. This water keeps your epoxy resin soft. Or worse-your resin cures sticky.

⭐️ BONUS: Here’s how to color epoxy resin so you can avoid flexible resin.

4. It may be normal for this resin

Some resins just don’t cure hard. They’ll be bendy when poured in a thin layer or can be dented with a fingernail for thicker pours.

⭐️ BONUS: Get help choosing the best epoxy for your project to avoid your bendy resin problems.

5. Your resin may be old

Old resin kits that you’ve forgotten about collect moisture, especially if they haven’t been stored properly. That extra moisture makes your resin cure bendy.

⭐️ BONUS: Learn how to store resin so it’s at its best.

Here is a recent video I made where I answer the question why is my resin bendy —

Confused about how to make something amazing with resin?

Frustrated that you keep trying and still getting sticky and bendy resin? I want to help. I wrote the book Resin Fundamentals with the beginner resin artist in mind. It cuts through the resin lingo, like doming and deep pour, to give you the essential details you need to know to craft something beautiful. Buy the book now and get a download link to your email in minutes.

Refer to more articles:  Why Does Your Apple AirTag Make Noise?

Unpublished Blog Posts of Resin Obsession, LLC © 2023 Resin Obsession, LLC

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