Why Is Nhl Not On Pc

@TTZ_DipsyTo sum this up easy. No, it won’t, no point in even saying wait to the reveal.I’ll tell you why, to put it as simple as possible. Its simply not worth it, when it comes to sports titles outside of racing its not worth doing, there simply isn’t a market, or there lack of. Its why it was removed in the first place and seriously, nothing has changed at all. They’d be spending more money on resources for PC and it wont make their money back.Its a business decision and until sports picks up on pc it’ll remain that way.Having NHL on pc is the least requested thing or responded to thing by the community out of everything. Fact is those who buy any sports title has a console as is and therefore the game is accessible to them. This also eliminates unfair cross platform advantages that PC would obviously get and since the market is small it would have to have cross platform to survive otherwise you’d barely get any online games, and if you did i dare say you’d get a server thats lagging and queue times would be insane.So no, its not.It is what it is, once people accept this the sooner the better, its always the same small people who keep asking every year. Its the definition of insane, trying the same thing over and over expecting a different result.

I can tell you know nothing about not only this hockey game nor anything about a PC or it’s market…

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you do know every NHL goes on sale within two weeks like 60% right? So they are pretty much as you say losing money there…

it has nothing to do with anything not being popular on PC… it’s the fact that the PC would be able to port in pictures and take apart what EA created and PC would be able to make it better which console would complain why can’t they have that…

the last NHL PC game is still very popular and is still being modded with todays rosters so I don’t see where you think it wouldn’t be a seller????

now let’s talk about that lag… I’m assuming you’re saying PC would bring lag or more lag? This shows me that you’ve never owned a gaming PC cause it would actually be better on PC as we’d have the option to adjust to the issues by changing settings… also there’s a fair amount of lag already on your high and mighty console each year which has yet to be fixed…

lastly the HUGE reason NHL won’t come to PC is cause as of right now EA and as many of us see are using a copy n paste method in which if it were on PC we’d just be able to port in new rosters and photos for the next season instead of buying a complete new game for no apparent reason to have updated rosters…

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