HomeWHYWhy Is Northface So Expensive

Why Is Northface So Expensive

A man from the back in a black jacket by The North Face, in winter

If you live in an area where the winters get cold, it’s important to find the gear that is going to help you manage the winter months.

One of the companies that people often look to is The North Face.

The North Face is a very well-known brand for cold-weather gear, and people all over the world enjoy its benefits.

One of the problems with The North Face clothing and accessories is that they are very expensive.

Some people say that The North Face gear is actually too expensive.

If you are wondering about the pricing of The North Face and whether or not this could be worth it for your next warm-weather gear purchase, let’s look at why it is so expensive.

Sometimes understanding the reasoning behind the high pricing will help us to figure out whether or not it is worth it.

Why Is The North Face So Expensive? (Top 10 Reasons)

1. Brand Name

Closeup The North Face logo symbol

When it comes to brand-name products, The North Face has a very strong position on the market.

This is a brand that you likely have heard of in the past and have thought about purchasing.

The company has worked very hard to establish a presence as one of the best clothing manufacturers when it comes to performance.

The North Face makes clothing for running, hiking, climbing, training, and of course, the cold weather as well.

Through the years, the company has expanded from simply making some of the best jackets and fleeces to making pants, shirts, and even travel gear.

People who enjoy The North Face brand are now able to fully dive in and immerse themselves in these products.

The fact that The North Face is such a well-established brand name is going to lead to higher costs for their products.

With brand recognition and even logo recognition as strong as The North Face, you will find that it is hard for the company to decrease its pricing.

It took a long time and a lot of money to establish this type of recognition.

2. Quality & Effectiveness

Backpack the north face, close-up

This reason The North Face is so expensive will also tie into the brand name a bit.

If you had to write down some adjectives to describe The North Face, many people would say that it is high quality.

There is no question that The North Face company tries to make products that are going to last and continue to perform.

The research and the testing that goes into The North Face products are a bit different from other options on the market.

Sometimes when you buy a jacket, it claims that it is going to have warming technology or features.

Then when you take it out to test it, you realize that there is nothing really different about the jacket than any of the other ones in your closet.

With The North Face, you will quickly realize that the products are actually better.

You will feel warmer, you will be more comfortable, and your The North Face garments will hold up even after washing them.

Some people own The North Face clothing for decades, not just for a few seasons.

The higher quality products are known to be more expensive.

For The North Face to offer the technology that they do, they must ensure that it is a higher quality product ready for any situation.

You can think of The North Face as a company that works to protect you from the elements, so there is a lot that these clothes will do to ensure that you stay comfortable.

The North Face is more expensive because it works!

3. Longevity

Hiker on the North Face Trail

When you purchase an expensive piece of clothing, whether it is a jacket, shoes, or a travel bag, you will have an expectation in mind of how long the product should last.

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If you purchase something cheap, you may say to yourself that you hope you can get a year or so out of it.

For an expensive product, you may expect it to last for five years.

The great thing about The North Face brand is that it very often exceeds the expected longevity.

Most of the time, you will plan on getting a few years from a jacket, and then it actually lasts for dozens of years.

The process of making sure that your The North Face lasts this long is not all that difficult.

You won’t have to spend much time trying to preserve the clothing because it is simply built to last.

In order for a product to make it a long time, the research and development that goes into the work is going to be very important.

If the wrong fabrics and zippers are used, they will start to fall apart after a very short period of time.

Ensuring that your products make it for years to come is a very important goal of The North Face brand.

The longer the product lasts, the more value you get from your purchase as well.

Those who thought The North Face was expensive when they first purchased their clothing often look back 15 years later and realize that they got a very good deal.

When something lasts much longer than expected, it’s almost as if you pay a bit less at the time of purchase.

4. Fabric Technology

The North Face introduces their revoltionary new waterproof, breathable fabric

The North Face has advanced fabric technology.

If you spend some time researching this company, you will find that fabric technology ranks among some of the best out there.

The North Face brand spends a lot of time and money on its fabric technology when it comes to research and innovation.

As we mentioned, if The North Face advertises your jacket or pants as being waterproof, it will be waterproof.

They use Gore-Tex technology in many of their waterproof rain clothing.

In addition, there are some down products that help to make jackets even warmer than you may expect them to be.

Gore-Tex Technology is not the only type of enhanced fabric benefit that The North Face offers.

One more advanced option that is newer to the market is the FutureLight material.

This is a very thin nanomembrane that helps to allow for airflow in clothing yet still provides for waterproof protection.

In the past, much of the waterproof technology would also be relatively warm to wear.

Having clothing that allows you to keep out the worst of the weather conditions but still stay cool and dry is undoubtedly revolutionary.

In addition, this FutureLight material is also known for allowing plenty of movement.

It’s great to be out in the wilderness and dry, but what if you can barely move, hike, or climb?

Certainly, this won’t do you any good.

The North Face has people test their new technology in some very extreme conditions.

They take the feedback, and they continually revise and rework their gear.

Once they have something that they think will be a good product, then it will go on the market.

The materials used and the studies done on the fabric of a The North Face piece of clothing are not cheap.

Be prepared to pay top dollar for this, but most of the time, you will be glad that you have it.

5. Environmentally Conscious

young woman wearing a pink a grey snow North Face boots during a hike

You will have a hard time finding a company with more accountability when it comes to being environmentally conscious.

The North Face realizes that those purchasing the gear are looking to enjoy the outdoors.

If companies like The North Face don’t do the right work to ensure that the environment stays intact for years to come, there will be no one to purchase their products.

One of the biggest things that The North Face is looking to work on is the waste that we see.

Not only do they have a program they call “Renewed” which actually sells gear that has been worn once or had some damage originally, but they are also working to make each and every new release more sustainable.

This means that, when a product comes to market, the fabrics used will essentially be recyclable.

In addition, they have also set a goal that, by 2025, all apparel and footwear will be made with recycled, regenerative, or responsibly sourced renewable fabrics.

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When you think about the level of commitment and work involved with these lofty environmental goals, it is easy to see that The North Face is a company that cares.

For the average person buying clothes, the question becomes whether or not this type of sustainability and renewability is worth it for the price we pay for the clothing.

It’s hard to put a cost on the importance of protecting our environment.

Chances are you are purchasing The North Face gear because you enjoy being outside.

If we don’t all work together to create a more sustainable world with less waste, this will never happen.

Making sure that you do business with environmentally conscious companies is one of the first steps towards ensuring you properly care for the environment.

Even small steps are essential.

As far as the pricing of The North Face, you have to understand they are no longer purchasing cheap fabrics and piecing them together.

The clothing you purchase is going to live on for years to come.

6. Large Range Of Products

North Face shop

As we have mentioned, The North Face company makes a wide range of products.

This is no longer just a jacket manufacturer.

Some of the more notable products that they are now offering include shoes, shorts, backpacks, and even tents.

The North Face has also started creating gear for children and babies as well.

There is no question that you can put your entire family in The North Face gear if you so choose.

As the number of products offered has increased, people have started to see the pricing of these products grow as well.

The reason behind this is that the infrastructure of the company has grown quite large.

As more products are added to the product line, so are more systems and procedures.

These require more manpower, more space, and a new operating procedure.

To put this all together, it takes some time and quite a bit of money.

The North Face wants to be your one-stop shop, but in order to get to that point, you have to be willing to pay for it along the way.

The larger this company becomes, you can expect to see the pricing also increase slightly.

If the pricing were cheap and the margins weren’t good for The North Face, they would very likely halt production on the new product lines.

Instead, we see them adding more and more to appeal to the brand loyalists who won’t stop purchasing these impressive products.

7. All-Weather Performance

Posing in the sand dunes of Maspalomas

Many people consider The North Face to be the best company when it comes to staying warm in the winter.

There is no question that the products created to help you stay warm during the winter months are very effective.

However, with The North Face brand growing and more technology being studied, there is more to this than just cold-weather performance.

As The North Face brand grows, you will see expansion into products that work well in warm weather and rain as well.

Some of the new hiking material is designed to stay dry and lightweight and cool.

When you shop on The North Face website, you can shop by the activity that you are going to do when you are wearing the gear.

Whether you are going snowboarding or skiing or running or climbing, there is gear specifically built to meet your needs.

This type of technology is something that is hard to find, and people have no issues paying for it.

Again, the all-weather performance is not cheap for The North Face to add to their products, and because of that, you will be forced to pay higher prices.

However, when you are properly prepared for any type of weather condition, your time outside will be more enjoyable and a lot more comfortable as well.

These are things that are worth paying a little more for.

We can understand that, if you are going out for one quick walk in the light rain, you wouldn’t need The North Face gear.

However, if you are spending your weekend climbing or hiking, you may want to reconsider how important this clothing could be for you.

8. People Will Pay

interior shot of The North Face store

The North Face has placed itself in a position in the market that people are well aware of.

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Nobody goes shopping for The North Face gear to try and save money.

Most are very well aware that the pricing is going to be a bit higher, but the quality of the product is going to be good.

Those who purchase The North Face gear are willing to pay.

They are comfortable with the brand and the quality of the product.

Since people are willing to pay, and The North Face has invested all of this money into the technology and performance, why would they lower the pricing?

When you look at well-established companies, you have to understand that they have put a lot of time and effort into their marketing and advertising to ensure they attract the proper customers.

The North Face brand has never looked for bargain shoppers.

They are looking for those who are willing to pay for performance.

There are many people across the nation who would rather have three pieces of great clothing than 20 pieces of junk clothing.

This is who The North Face appeals to, and these are people who are willing to pay for the products that they purchase.

As long as sales continue to stay strong for The North Face, you are likely not going to see them suddenly make their products less expensive.

From a business perspective, this really does not make much sense.

9. Not Many Sales

The North Face store

Since The North Face products can be used all year long in different locations, you may have difficulty finding sales on these goods.

The fact that it is warm in your area and you can purchase the gear to keep yourself cooler does not mean that it is warm everywhere.

Since The North Face carries products that will keep people comfortable all year long, they very rarely make significant sales.

In addition, some of the jackets and clothing pieces that they offer will stay in the product lineup for years.

Although there are very often new releases, the sale pricing is difficult to find.

Sometimes you can find a piece of clothing made by The North Face in a discount store, but it’s essential to make sure that it is authentic and that it is not damaged.

Remember that, when you pay for The North Face products, you are getting some impressive technology as well.

If something were done to compromise this technology, the piece is very likely worth quite a bit less.

10. Fashion

Hiker in the mountains in front of the Eiger

Last but certainly not least is the fact that The North Face is also paying attention to fashion trends.

It’s one thing to offer all-weather performance gear to people, but it’s quite another to incorporate fashion into the mix.

Those who wear The North Face clothing tend to be somewhat fashion-conscious.

Even though they want the performance in their clothing and gear, they are also concerned with how they will look in it.

The North Face clothing has a very sporty but clean look to it.

There are many colors and styles available, depending on what your preferences are.

You can get coordinating gear for many of the sports and really stand out.

In years past, The North Face was known for offering more subtle colors, but as time has gone on, they have gotten quite bold.

When it comes to accessories or shoes, these will be items that really stand out and offer something that other brands are not offering.

If you want to ensure that you look and feel good the next time you are outdoors, you are going to end up having to pay for it.

Luckily, the piece that you purchase will likely last you for years to come.

Many people find that their The North Face jacket from 15 years ago is still in style, simply because of the fashion incorporated into the product from the start.

It’s hard to complain about pricing from a company that truly has it all together.


Hopefully, you can now see why The North Face brand is so expensive.

This company has spent a lot of time and money to get itself to this position in the market.

The time spent has almost earned The North Face the right to charge a bit more for their products.

Those who purchase The North Face products are typically bothered by the price at the time of the purchase.

However, as time goes on, many realize that the value they got from the clothing was well worth the price.

Chances are, if you can afford a piece of clothing from The North Face, you will not be disappointed over the long term.

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