Why Is Roof Of My Mouth Swollen

We refer to swollen palate to describe a condition in which the tissue of the palate, the part of the mouth that forms the roof of the oral cavity, becomes inflamed or swollen due to a variety of reasons.

In this sense, it should be noted that it can become inflamed in the front (hard palate) or back (soft palate) of the mouth, and can cause discomfort and pain.

From our dental clinic in Malaga, Gross Dentistas, in this article, what are its characteristic symptoms, the various causes that can trigger this condition and the treatments available to alleviate it.

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How do you know if you have a swollen palate? These are its symptoms

The first step to understanding swollen palate is to identify its symptoms.

This condition manifests itself through various signs that can be uncomfortable and, in some cases, painful. The most common are the ones we present below:

Pain in the palate

One of the most obvious symptoms of a swollen palate is pain in the upper part of the mouth, which can vary in intensity.

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Redness and irritation

On the other hand, the palate may become red and swollen, which can make feeding and swallowing difficult.

Appearance of sores

In some cases, sores and wounds may appear on the palate, aggravating the discomfort.

Difficulty to swallow

Likewise, this inflammation can cause difficulties when swallowing food or liquids.

Burning or itching sensation

Some people experience a burning or itching sensation.

Bad breath

The inflammation can contribute to bad breath or halitosis, which can be an additional problem.

Causes that cause the palate to be inflamed

There are several possible causes for a swollen palate, and it is important to understand them to determine the appropriate treatment.


Viral or bacterial infections, such as the common cold or tonsillitis, can lead to inflammation of the palate.


Exposure to irritants such as tobacco, alcohol or spicy foods are another aggravator of this condition.


Food allergies or environmental allergens can also trigger an inflammatory response in the palate.


Direct injuries to the mouth or palate, such as burns or blows, are another of the causes of the condition mentioned.

Autoimmune diseases

In less common cases, autoimmune diseases can trigger inflammation in both the mouth and palate.

Treatments to combat swollen palate

Treatment of a swollen palate depends on its underlying cause.

Therefore, to determine the exact cause, it is recommended to consult an oral health professional, such as the specialists at Gross Dentistas, who can make an accurate diagnosis and propose the appropriate treatment.

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However, some common treatment options include:

  • Antibiotics: If the inflammation is due to a bacterial infection, antibiotics may be prescribed to combat it.
  • Anti-inflammatories: Anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen can relieve pain and reduce inflammation.
  • Mouthwashes: Rinses with special solutions can help reduce irritation and promote healing.
  • Local care: Avoiding irritants, maintaining good oral hygiene and following a soft diet can speed up recovery.
  • Treatment of underlying diseases: If the swollen palate is related to an autoimmune disease, it will be addressed by treating the underlying disease.

In conclusion, a swollen palate can be an uncomfortable and painful condition, but its proper treatment is possible through an accurate diagnosis.

So, if you are experiencing symptoms of this oral condition or any other, do not hesitate to consult an oral health professional.

From our dental clinic in Malaga you will receive all the necessary attention.

Contact us for more information about this.

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