HomeWHYWhy Is Scrappy Doo Hated

Why Is Scrappy Doo Hated

At 12 years old, in 6th grade, I eagerly turned on the TV the first Saturday morning of the new season and found Scooby Doo changed so much for the worse! There was some change in style which I noticed but accepted, and there was this awful, stupid, annoying character with a horrible voice and this stupid way of yelling “puppy power!” I just couldn’t watch it.

It jarred so terribly with the old Scooby Doo, it wasn’t funny, and it actually shocked me into looking closely at all the TV I watched. I woke up to the fact that almost all of it was incredibly stupid. I felt like the people writing the shows must have thought we (the tv audience) were a bunch of idiots.

At first it was just the cartoons I noticed. And if you interview professional animators who’ve been around since the 60’s they’ll tell you how awful cartoons were on network television in the 80’s. They were so terrible that a 12 year old who’d never questioned anything about popular culture noticed it and stopped watching cartoons. But Scrappy had set off a chain reaction in me.

Within the year I found I couldn’t stand watching TV at all except for a very few shows. It felt like I was hearing people (metaphorically) saying “wow, how stupid these viewers are” every time another idiotic beer commercial came on or another host/hostess or news announcer made another stupid joke or another horrible cartoon- like Strawberry Shortcake for example – came on. All I could bother with was anime, like Starblazers and Battle of the Planets. Also dopey, but not so outright condescending as US cartoons at the time.

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That year I discovered the joy of reading. I became the biggest reader in Junior High School. Science fiction, then fantasy, then adventure and detective novels. I never looked back until I was in my mid 30s. I guess a bunch of people who liked cartoons from my age group went into animation.

Now, as a middle aged person I now watch more animation than I did at 13 years old. And very little of it is as godawful as the cartoons of the 1979 season. Or any of the 1980’s or ’90s so far as I know.


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