HomeWHYWhy Is Starbucks Out Of Matcha

Why Is Starbucks Out Of Matcha

As a regular customer of Starbucks, I was surprised to find out that my usual matcha latte was no longer available. When I asked the barista why, she simply shrugged and said that they were out of matcha.

Overview of the Matcha Shortage

  • Starbucks is currently facing a shortage of matcha powder for making matcha drinks like green tea lattes. This shortage has been ongoing since early 2023 and is expected to continue through summer 2024
  • The shortage is due to high demand for matcha drinks in the US and Europe outpacing supply from major matcha producing countries like Japan.

Curious to know more, I did some research and found that there may be more to the story than just a simple shortage of ingredients. Matcha has been a popular ingredient in recent years, not only in the coffee shop industry but also in the health and wellness community. Its unique taste and vibrant green color have made it a popular choice for Instagram-worthy drinks and desserts.

Impact on Customers

  • Many Starbucks locations have run out of matcha powder and cannot make popular matcha drinks.
  • Customers have expressed frustration on social media about being unable to order their favorite matcha drinks. Some have called it “disrespectful” and a “national emergency”5.
  • The shortage is impacting every menu category, with at least 25 items unavailable due to shortages of ingredients like matcha.

Duration and Severity

  • The shortage started in early 2021 and is expected to continue through the summer of 2024, with supply struggling to meet demand.
  • It’s unclear how severe the shortage is or when supply will catch up. Some locations seem impacted more than others.
  • Starbucks has not made any official announcements about the shortage, so it’s hard to gauge the company’s perspective.

Looking Ahead

  • Customers will likely need to modify their orders and avoid matcha drinks at Starbucks until supply recovers.
  • Starbucks may eventually increase matcha prices to curb demand if the shortage persists long-term.
  • The company will likely try to address any supply chain issues to increase matcha inventory in the future.

However, as demand for matcha continues to rise, there have been concerns about its availability and sustainability. In this article, we will explore the factors contributing to the matcha shortage, Starbucks’ response to the issue, and the importance of matcha in Japanese culture.

Key Takeaways

  • Starbucks is currently facing a shortage of matcha due to the high demand for this popular ingredient in the United States and Europe.
  • The COVID-19 pandemic has made it challenging to import matcha from countries like Japan and China, leading to a strain on the market and a shortage of high-quality matcha.
  • Despite the company’s efforts to secure a stable supply of matcha and introduce a new blend of matcha that is more readily available, the shortage is expected to persist in the near future.
  • Matcha is not just a type of tea, but an integral part of Japan’s traditions and culture, celebrated for its purity and tranquility, and Starbucks prides itself on using high-quality and sustainable matcha in their products.

Overview of Matcha’s Popularity

You know how matcha is all the rage these days, so it’s no surprise that Starbucks is running low on it. Matcha has become increasingly popular in recent years, thanks to its numerous health benefits and unique taste. It is a finely ground powder made from green tea leaves and is commonly used in Japanese tea ceremonies.

However, matcha has now become a popular ingredient in a variety of dishes and drinks, including matcha lattes, matcha smoothies, and matcha ice cream. Matcha farming techniques are essential to ensuring the quality of the powder. The tea bushes used to make matcha are grown in the shade for several weeks before harvest. This process increases the chlorophyll content of the leaves, giving matcha its vibrant green color. The leaves are then carefully picked, steamed, dried, and ground into a powder using traditional stone mills. The result is a fine, bright green powder with a slightly sweet, vegetal taste.

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Matcha recipes are abundant, making it a versatile ingredient in the culinary world. Matcha lattes, in particular, have become a popular drink option at coffee shops like Starbucks. These lattes are made with a combination of matcha powder, milk, and sweetener. They offer a healthier alternative to traditional coffee drinks, as matcha is known for its high antioxidant content and caffeine without the jitters.

However, with the growing demand for matcha-based beverages, it’s no wonder that Starbucks is currently experiencing a shortage of this beloved powder.

Starbucks’ Matcha-Based Beverages

Imagine sipping on a creamy, green tea latte with hints of vanilla and honey, or indulging in a refreshing iced matcha lemonade on a hot summer day. These are just a couple of the matcha-based beverages that Starbucks has become famous for. However, if you’ve recently visited your local Starbucks, you may have noticed that they are out of matcha. This is due to a combination of factors, including the popularity of matcha recipes and the quality of the matcha used in these beverages.

Starbucks’ matcha-based beverages have become incredibly popular in recent years, especially among health-conscious millennials. Matcha is a type of green tea that has been finely ground into a powder and is known for its health benefits, including antioxidants and a natural boost of energy. Matcha can be used in a variety of recipes, from lattes to smoothies, making it a versatile ingredient for those looking to add a healthy twist to their favorite drinks.

Photo of Matcha Drink on a Wooden Tray

However, not all matcha is created equal, and Starbucks prides itself on using high-quality matcha in their beverages. This means that they source their matcha from reputable suppliers that use only the finest tea leaves and follow strict processing standards. Unfortunately, sourcing high-quality matcha can be difficult, especially when demand is high. This has contributed to the shortage of matcha at Starbucks and other cafes across the country.

The popularity of matcha-based beverages and the quality of the matcha used in these beverages are two key factors that have contributed to the current shortage of matcha at Starbucks. However, there are other factors at play, including supply chain disruptions and the impact of COVID-19 on tea production. In the next section, we will explore these factors in more detail.

Factors Contributing to Matcha Shortage

Sipping on a creamy, green tea latte with hints of vanilla and honey may seem like a dream, but the current shortage of high-quality matcha has made it a difficult reality for many cafes and restaurants.

The matcha supply chain is complex and involves multiple steps, from growing and harvesting the tea leaves to processing and packaging them for distribution. In recent years, the demand for matcha has skyrocketed, particularly in the United States and Europe, leading to a strain on the market and a shortage of the highest quality matcha.

The matcha market trends have been influenced by various factors, including changing consumer preferences and the rise of specialty cafes and tea shops. As matcha has become more popular, there has been a surge in demand for premium quality matcha, which is often sold at a premium price.

Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted supply chains and transportation, making it difficult to import matcha from countries like Japan and China. These factors have all contributed to the current shortage of matcha, leaving many businesses scrambling to find alternative sources or substitute ingredients.

As the matcha shortage continues, Starbucks has also been affected, with many customers noticing that their matcha-based beverages are often out of stock. In response, Starbucks has made efforts to secure a stable supply of matcha and has even introduced a new blend of matcha that is more readily available.

Despite these efforts, the matcha shortage is expected to persist in the near future, making it challenging for businesses to keep up with the demand for this beloved drink.

Starbucks’ Response to Matcha Shortage

Amidst the current shortage of high-quality matcha, it’s no surprise that Starbucks is also affected. The coffee giant has stated that they’re experiencing supply chain issues with their matcha sourcing, resulting in a temporary shortage of matcha-based drinks. However, Starbucks assures its customers that they’re working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.

In response to the matcha shortage, Starbucks has been exploring alternative options for their matcha-based drinks. One alternative they’ve introduced is the Iced Pineapple Matcha Drink, which uses a blend of matcha and pineapple flavors. This new drink has been well-received by customers, with many enjoying the refreshing taste and unique flavor profile.

Despite the shortage, Starbucks remains committed to providing high-quality and sustainable matcha. The company has stated that they’re working closely with their suppliers to ensure that their matcha sourcing is ethically and responsibly managed. As they continue to navigate the matcha supply chain issues, Starbucks encourages customers to try their alternative matcha products, such as the Iced Pineapple Matcha Drink, until their regular matcha options are back in stock.

Alternative Matcha Products

You might be surprised to know that there are other delicious options for your matcha fix, even if your go-to Starbucks drink is unavailable at the moment. Some popular matcha brands that offer high-quality powder include Ippodo Tea Co., Aiya America, and DoMatcha. These brands offer different grades of matcha powder, from culinary to ceremonial, so you can choose which one fits your budget and taste.

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If you’re feeling adventurous, you can also experiment with different matcha recipes at home. Matcha latte, matcha smoothie, matcha ice cream – the possibilities are endless. You can find a variety of matcha recipes online, including traditional Japanese recipes and modern twists. One popular recipe is the matcha latte, which combines matcha powder, milk, and sweetener to create a creamy and flavorful drink.

Even if your local Starbucks is out of matcha, there are still plenty of options for you to enjoy this beloved green tea powder. From different matcha brands to creative matcha recipes, you can continue to indulge in your matcha cravings. Plus, exploring different matcha products and recipes may lead you to discover new and exciting ways to incorporate matcha into your daily routine. Speaking of which, let’s dive into the importance of matcha in Japanese culture.

Importance of Matcha in Japanese Culture

As you step into the world of matcha, you’ll uncover the rich cultural significance that this vibrant green tea holds in Japan. Matcha is more than just a type of tea, it’s an integral part of the country’s traditions and a symbol of purity and tranquility.

The tea is used in the famous Japanese tea ceremony, which is a highly choreographed ritual that celebrates harmony, respect, and tranquility. Matcha’s cultural importance is not limited to tea ceremonies alone. It’s also used in a wide range of Japanese cuisine, from sweet treats like matcha ice cream to savory dishes like matcha soba noodles.

The tea’s unique flavor and vibrant green color make it a popular ingredient in Japanese cooking, and it continues to influence the country’s culinary landscape. The significance of matcha in Japanese culture extends beyond just its culinary uses.

It’s an embodiment of the country’s reverence for nature, mindfulness, and attention to detail. As we explore the health benefits of matcha in the following section, it’s important to keep in mind the cultural significance of this tea and how it’s shaped Japanese traditions over the centuries.

Health Benefits of Matcha

After learning about the significance of matcha in Japanese culture, I became curious about its health benefits. As it turns out, matcha is packed with antioxidants and nutrients that make it a superfood.

One cup of matcha has the same amount of antioxidants as 10 cups of regular green tea. It is also a great source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, potassium, and magnesium. Matcha is known to boost metabolism, improve concentration, and lower the risk of chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease.

Aside from drinking matcha, there are many ways to incorporate it into your diet. Matcha can be added to smoothies, baked goods, and even savory dishes like stir-fries. There are countless matcha recipes available online that allow you to enjoy this superfood in creative ways.

Matcha farming techniques play a crucial role in ensuring the quality and health benefits of matcha. The leaves used for matcha are grown in the shade, which increases the chlorophyll content and gives matcha its bright green color. The leaves are then harvested and ground into a fine powder, which is what makes matcha so unique.

Matcha farming requires a lot of skill and attention to detail, and the farmers who produce high-quality matcha are highly respected in Japan.

As we can see, matcha is a versatile and nutrient-dense food that is enjoyed worldwide. However, the production of matcha also has environmental impacts that must be considered.

Environmental Impacts of Matcha Production

The environmental impacts of matcha production should not be overlooked, as the farming techniques used can have significant effects on the surrounding ecosystem. Matcha is grown in shaded areas, which means that farmers need to clear out trees and other vegetation to make room for the tea plants. This can lead to soil erosion and a loss of biodiversity in the area.

To mitigate these impacts, sustainability practices are being implemented in some matcha farms. For example, some farmers are using cover crops to prevent soil erosion, while others are planting trees and other vegetation to promote biodiversity. Additionally, some farms are using organic farming techniques to reduce the amount of chemicals used in the production process.

Despite these efforts, there is still much to be done to ensure that matcha production is sustainable and does not harm the environment. As consumers, we can support sustainable matcha production by choosing to purchase from farms that prioritize sustainability practices.

In the next section, we will explore the future of matcha availability and how we can help to ensure that matcha remains a popular beverage for years to come.

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Future of Matcha Availability

After learning about the environmental impacts of matcha production, I couldn’t help but wonder about the future of matcha availability. With the increasing demand for matcha, it’s understandable why Starbucks and other businesses are running out of it. But what can we expect in the future?

As matcha becomes more popular, farmers are developing new and innovative ways to grow the plant sustainably. For example, some farmers are using hydroponic systems to grow matcha indoors, which reduces water usage and eliminates the need for pesticides. Additionally, some farmers are experimenting with different varieties of the plant to find those that are better suited for their specific climate and soil conditions.

The global matcha market is also evolving. While Japan remains the top producer of matcha, other countries such as China and Taiwan are increasing their production and exporting their matcha worldwide. In addition, matcha is being incorporated into new and diverse products such as ice cream, energy bars, and even skincare products. With these trends in mind, it’s clear that matcha isn’t going away anytime soon. While it may be temporarily out of stock at your local coffee shop, there are plenty of other options to explore and enjoy.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do other coffee shops and tea houses fare in terms of matcha availability?

As someone who frequents coffee shops and tea houses, I’ve noticed that matcha availability can vary widely. Some places seem to always have it in stock, while others only offer it as a seasonal item.

In terms of matcha alternatives, I’ve seen a rise in popularity of matcha lattes made with alternative milks like oat or almond. As for matcha flavor trends, I’ve noticed an increase in matcha-infused desserts and baked goods.

However, it’s important to note that availability and trends can vary by region and individual establishment. Ultimately, while Starbucks may be out of matcha at the moment, there are plenty of other options out there for those craving a matcha fix.

Are there any possible substitutes for matcha in Starbucks’ matcha-based beverages?

When it comes to finding substitutes for matcha in Starbucks’ matcha-based beverages, there are a few options to consider.

One alternative is using green tea as a replacement, which can provide a similar earthy flavor and green color.

Another possibility is using artificial matcha powders, which may not have the same health benefits as traditional matcha but can still provide a similar taste and appearance.

Of course, it’s important to keep in mind that these substitutions may not be exactly the same as using real matcha, and may not satisfy the preferences of all customers.

Ultimately, the decision to use a substitute or not will depend on the availability of matcha and the preferences of individual cafes and customers.

How does the matcha shortage affect the price of Starbucks’ matcha-based beverages?

Price impact of the matcha shortage on Starbucks’ matcha-based beverages has been noticeable, with some consumers expressing disappointment and frustration. However, the extent of the impact may vary depending on the region and the severity of the shortage.

The consumer response has been mixed, with some opting for alternative beverages or menu items while others are willing to pay the higher prices. Nevertheless, Starbucks’ efforts to maintain the quality of their matcha-based beverages during the shortage have been commended by some customers.

Overall, while the matcha shortage has affected Starbucks’ matcha-based beverage prices, the impact on the company’s overall revenue may not be significant.

What actions are other companies taking to address the matcha shortage?

When looking at the matcha shortage, it’s important to consider what other companies are doing to address the issue.

Alternative solutions include sourcing matcha from different regions, using different grades of matcha, or even exploring other types of green tea to substitute for matcha.

Consumer reactions have been mixed, with some expressing frustration at the lack of matcha options while others are open to trying new alternatives.

Ultimately, companies will need to weigh the costs and benefits of different solutions and consider the preferences of their customer base when deciding how to proceed.

Is the matcha shortage expected to continue in the future?

I know you may be wondering if the matcha shortage is here to stay, but there is hope for the future prospects of the market.

While it’s true that the current supply of matcha has been impacted by weather conditions and a rise in demand, there are signs that production is increasing and new suppliers are entering the market.

Market trends suggest that matcha will continue to be a popular ingredient in the food and beverage industry, which means companies will likely invest in finding new sources and improving their supply chain.

While it may take some time for the market to stabilize, it seems likely that the matcha shortage will eventually become a thing of the past.


As a matcha enthusiast, I was disappointed to hear about Starbucks running out of the beloved green tea powder. However, the popularity of matcha is no surprise as it has been a staple in Japanese culture for centuries and boasts numerous health benefits.

The shortage can be attributed to various factors such as weather conditions, transportation issues, and increased demand. Starbucks has responded by offering alternative matcha products and working with suppliers to ensure a steady supply.

It’s important to consider the environmental impacts of matcha production and support sustainable practices. Despite the shortage, the future of matcha availability looks promising as its popularity continues to grow.

Overall, matcha is more than just a trendy beverage; it represents a cultural tradition and a commitment to health and sustainability.



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