Why No Caffeine After Gastric Sleeve

Getting gastric sleeve surgery in Baltimore is a great way to lose weight quickly and over the long term. However, you need to take the proper precautions after your operation.

One of the common questions people ask is, “when can I drink coffee after gastric sleeve?” And “how long after gastric sleeve can I have coffee” is another one.

Well, in this article we’ll talk about caffeine and whether or not you can drink it after your gastric sleeve operation. That way you can plan your post-op diet and understand the timeline that you’re looking at.

Benefits Of A Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Gastric sleeve surgery can improve your weight loss goals. It also helps the way you look and that is going to affect how you feel.

Therefore when you lose weight, you’ll have more energy and excitement throughout the day.

You’ll be able to engage in more of the activities that you love to do. Things like swimming, going for a walk or hiking may have been more difficult in the past due to your extra weight.

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Now that you’ll be at a lighter, healthier weight, you can increase your physical activity. Longevity is another factor. When you are a healthier weight, you’ll live longer. Compare this to someone who is still obese and they may cut years or even decades off of their total lifespan.

Reasons to Avoid Coffee After Gastric Sleeve

The diet for someone after bariatric surgery is critical. For a certain period after your gastric sleeve, you should avoid caffeine and coffee beverages.

There are a number of reasons for this, such as:


Coffee has a high level of acid. After your gastric sleeve surgery, you’re going to be more vulnerable to conditions like acid reflux, GERD, and upset stomach.

This could delay your healing and make you uncomfortable. This is one of the primary reasons why you should avoid coffee.


Caffeine actually dehydrates the body. Since hydration is one of the most important factors in healing after your gastric sleeve surgery, caffeine and coffee should be avoided.

Gut Motility

The motility of your gut is going to be affected after a gastric sleeve. Therefore, essential nutrients may not be absorbed as much as they used to be in the past.

You don’t want to fill your stomach up with non-essential nutrients like coffee when it should be absorbing vitamins and minerals.

As you can see, there are several reasons why you should avoid coffee after your gastric sleeve surgery. This doesn’t mean you have to limit coffee forever, but in the first several weeks and months you should stay away from it.

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When Can I Drink Coffee After Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

You should always consult with your doctor or weight loss surgeon to understand an exact timeline. In general, you should wait about a month before you start drinking coffee again.

If you really are craving caffeine, consider a caffeine pill or something more light for your body.

For instance, green tea is a good substitute. Again, you should always drink this in moderation and consult with a medical professional first. That’s the best way to truly understand when it’s safe to start drinking coffee again.

Bottom Line

If you’re considering gastric sleeve surgery, then don’t feel overwhelmed. If you speak with the experts, you can learn everything you need to about the proper diet and lifestyle changes, including coffee consumption.

At Ascension Saint Agnes, our qualified surgeons know how to help you start your weight loss journey in the safest, most effective way possible. So don’t hesitate — get started today by reaching out. Your new, lighter self is waiting for you.

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